いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 奪い取る?

同義語 奪い取る

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 奪い取る.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 奪い取るverb


    「脅威を取り除く」; 「包装紙を取り除ける」; 「テーブルから汚れた皿を取除きなさい」; 「あなたのポケットから銃をとる」; 「この機械は環境から熱を取り出す」

    remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract

    "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"


    「事故は3人の命を奪った」; 「きつい仕事は彼女に被害をもたらした」

    take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs

    "the accident claimed three lives"; "The hard work took its toll on her"


    「ヒットラーはバルト海の共和国を占領した」; 「軍隊は丘の上でとりでを奪取した」

    take by force

    "Hitler took the Baltic Republics"; "The army took the fort on the hill"



    take something away by force or without the consent of the owner

    "The burglars robbed him of all his money"

    物品を盗む; 略奪品として取る


    steal goods; take as spoils

    "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

    Synonym(s): はぎ取る, むしり取る, もらう, 乱妨, 出す, 分どる, 分どる, 分どる, 分捕る, 分捕る, 剥ぎ取る, 剥ぐ, 剥ぐ, 劫掠, 劫略, 収去, 収奪, 取っぱずす, 取っぱらう, 取っ外す, 取っ払う, 取りあげる, 取りさる, 取りすてる, 取りのける, 取りのぞく, 取りはずす, 取りはらう, 取り上げる, 取り去る, 取り払う, 取り捨てる, 取り除く, 取り除ける, 取る, 取る, 取上げる, 取去る, 取外す, 取払う, 取捨てる, 取除く, 執る, 奪い去る, 奪う, 奪取る, 奪取る, 奪取る, 奪取る, 奪掠, 奪略, 寇掠, 寇略, 引き去る, 引き退ける, 引上げる, 引去る, 引退ける, 強奪, 強盗, 戴く, 扣除, 抜きさる, 抜き去る, 抜去る, 押し取る, 押取る, 持ち去る, 排除, 掠める, 掠め奪う, 掠奪, 撤去, 撤収, 濫妨, 獲る, 略す, 略す, 略する, 略する, 略取, 略取, 略取, 略奪, 荒す, 荒らす, 要する, 要求, 除く, 除ける, 除す, 除する, 除去, 頂く, 頂戴, claim, despoil, exact, foray, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, reave, remove, rifle, rob, strip, take, take, take, take away, withdraw

    Hyponym: かき攫う, きれいにする, くすねる, くみ取る, さん奪, すくいこむ, すくい上げる, つれ去る, とり出す, ぬぐい取る, はぎ取る, はぎ取る, はぎ取る, はぎ取る, ぱくる, ふき取る, ふんだくる, ぶったくる, ぶっ千切る, むしり取る, もぎる, もぎる, もぎ取る, もぎ離す, もぐ, もぐ, ろ過, パクる, 上げる, 下垂体切除, 乱妨, 凝縮, 分どる, 分どる, 分捕る, 分捕る, 切り抜く, 切り落す, 切る, 切断, 切落す, 切落とす, 削る, 削除, 剥がす, 剥がす, 剥ぎ取る, 剥ぎ取る, 剥ぎ取る, 剥く, 剥く, 剥く, 剥ぐ, 剥ぐ, 剥ぐ, 剥ぐ, 剥ぐ, 剥す, 割礼を施す, 劫掠, 劫略, 千切る, 千切る, 収奪, 収奪, 取りはずし, 取りはずす, 取り出す, 取り出す, 取り出す, 取り出す, 取り出だす, 取り去る, 取り外し, 取り除く, 取り除く, 取出す, 取出す, 取出す, 取出だす, 取去る, 取捨てる, 取除く, 叩き壊す, 吸引, 咳払いをする, 外す, 外す, 失敬, 奪い去る, 奪う, 奪う, 奪取, 奪掠, 奪略, 奪還, 寇掠, 寇略, 引きずり出す, 引きちぎる, 引きはがす, 引きはぐ, 引き出す, 引き出す, 引き出す, 引き剥がす, 引き剥く, 引き剥ぐ, 引き千切る, 引き抜く, 引き抜く, 引き抜く, 引き摺り出す, 引き裂く, 引き遣る, 引く, 引っこぬく, 引っこぬく, 引っこ抜く, 引っこ抜く, 引っさらう, 引っぱり出す, 引っぱり出す, 引っぺがす, 引っ剥がす, 引っ剥ぐ, 引っ張り出す, 引っ張り出す, 引っ攫う, 引ん剥く, 引ん抜く, 引ん抜く, 引出す, 引出す, 引剥がす, 引剥ぐ, 引千切る, 引去る, 引張り出す, 引張る, 引張出す, 引抜く, 引抜く, 引抜く, 引攫う, 張る, 強奪, 強奪, 弾指, 打ち捨てる, 打っちぎる, 打っ千切る, 打千切る, 払う, 払拭, 扱ぐ, 抄い込む, 抄う, 抓む, 抜きさる, 抜きだす, 抜きだす, 抜きとる, 抜きとる, 抜き上げる, 抜き出す, 抜き出す, 抜き去る, 抜き取る, 抜き取る, 抜く, 抜く, 抜去る, 抜取る, 押し取る, 押取る, 拉致, 拐う, 拭いさる, 拭い去る, 拭い取る, 拭きとる, 拭き取る, 拭去る, 拭取る, 持ち上げる, 持ち出す, 持ち去る, 捥ぐ, 捨てさる, 捨てる, 捨て去る, 捨去る, 掃く, 掃除, 掃除, 掃除, 掃除, 掘る, 掠めとる, 掠める, 掠める, 掠める, 掠め取る, 掠め奪う, 掠取る, 掠奪, 掬いこむ, 掬い上げる, 掬い取る, 掬い込む, 掬う, 掬込む, 掴み出す, 掻きさらう, 掻き攫う, 掻攫う, 摘み取る, 摘む, 摘む, 摘出, 摘取る, 撮みとる, 撮み取る, 撮取る, 攫う, 杓う, 杓る, 棄てる, 毟りとる, 毟り取る, 毟る, 毟取る, , 汲みあげる, 汲みとる, 汲み上げる, 汲み上げる, 汲み取る, 汲む, 汲む, 汲上げる, 汲上げる, 汲取る, 汲取る, 汲取る, 泥棒, 洗う, 洗濯, 浚う, 消す, 消す, 濫妨, 猛攻, 略す, 略する, 略取, 略奪, 略奪, 盗みとる, 盗み出す, 盗み取る, 盗む, 盗る, 盗出す, 盗取る, 穿り出す, 穿る, 窃取, 窃盗, , 簒奪, 脱ぎ捨てる, 脱する, 脱捨てる, 脱毛, 脱灰, 脱着, 荒す, 荒らす, 落とす, 解毒, 退ける, , 連れ去る, 連去る, 運び去る, 鉱質除去, 銃で脅して強奪する, 降ろす, 除く, 除ける, 除ける, 除去, 除去, ablate, amputate, arrogate, aspirate, assume, bail, bail out, bale out, bear away, bear off, bone, brush, bur, burl, burr, cancel, carry away, carry off, carve out, cast, cast off, chip away, chip away at, circumcise, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clear, clear, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear up, condense, cream, cream off, crumb, cut into, cut off, de-iodinate, de-ionate, debone, decalcify, decarbonise, decarbonize, decarburise, decarburize, decoke, decorticate, defang, defuse, degas, dehorn, delete, delouse, delve, demineralise, demineralize, depilate, deplume, descale, desorb, despoil, detoxicate, detoxify, detusk, dig, dig, disburden, discharge, disembowel, disinvest, dislodge, dismantle, displume, divest, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw away, draw off, draw off, draw out, draw out, dredge, drive out, drop, eliminate, empty, enucleate, enucleate, epilate, eviscerate, eviscerate, excavate, exenterate, expectorate, extirpate, extort, extract, flick, foray, free, get out, gut, harvest, head, hold up, hollow, hull, husk, hypophysectomise, hypophysectomize, knock out, lade, laden, ladle, leach, leach, lift, lift, lift, lift out, loot, muck, offsaddle, pick, pick, pick, pillage, pit, plunder, plunder, pull, pull, pull, pull off, pull out, pull out, pull up, ransack, ream, reave, recapture, relieve, rescue, resect, retake, rifle, sack, scale, scale, scalp, scavenge, scoop, scoop out, scoop up, seed, seize, shake off, shed, shell, shell, shuck, shuck, skim, skim off, spoon, steal, stem, stick up, stone, string, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, suck out, take away, take away, take off, take out, take out, take out, take out, take out, take out, take out, take over, take up, tear away, tear off, throw, throw away, throw off, tip, turn over, tusk, unburden, undock, undress, unhinge, unpack, unsaddle, unstring, unveil, usurp, wash, wash away, wash off, wash out, wear away, wear off, weed, winnow, wipe away, wipe off, withdraw

    Hypernym(s): くすねる, ぱくる, もらう, パクる, 分どる, 取る, 執る, 失敬, 奪取る, 戴く, 掠めとる, 掠める, 掠め取る, 掠取る, 求める, 泥棒, 獲る, 略す, 略する, 略取, 盗みとる, 盗み出す, 盗み取る, 盗む, 盗る, 盗出す, 盗取る, 窃取, 窃盗, 要する, 要求, 頂く, 頂戴, ask, call for, demand, involve, necessitate, need, postulate, require, steal, take, take




"奪い取る." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 23 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E5%A5%AA%E3%81%84%E5%8F%96%E3%82%8B>.

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Are you a human thesaurus?

What is a synonym for bounty?
A Plentiful
B Shallow
C Empty
D Scares


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