いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 生物?

同義語 生物

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 生物.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 生物noun


    a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently



    living things collectively

    "the oceans are teeming with life"


    a living organism characterized by voluntary movement


    the science that studies living organisms


    all the plant and animal life of a particular region

    In Domain (Category): いけにえ, いぼ, いぼ目, ししむら, わな, エボリューション, エヴォリューション, オーダ, オーダー, クラス, サイバネティクス, サイバネティックス, サイベネティックス, スーパークラス, セル, タイプ, トラップ, バディ, バディー, ボディ, ボディー, ボデイ, ボデー, ミュータント, ミーム, モノタイプ, ライフフォース, 上科, 両性具有, 二形性, 二核性, 五体, 亜属, 亜界, 亜目, 亜科, 亜種, 亜綱, 亜門, 代謝, 仰せ, 休眠している, 休眠中の, , 体制, 体躯, 供犠, 修道会, 個体発生, 偏性, 側腹, 再生, 冬眠している, 冬眠中の, 分化, 分化型, 分解, 分類学, 分類学的, 勲章, 化生, 単型的, 単核, 受精卵, 号令, 合い性, 合性, 同化作用, 同型配偶, 同形, 同形の, 同所性, 同格, 向軸性, , 命令, 品種, 品種, 図体, 地層, , 培養, 基準種, 増える, 増殖, 増殖, 変異体, 変種, 変種, 変種, 夏眠している, 夏眠中の, 多形性, 多形性, 姻戚, 家畜流行性, 専修, , , 常食, 当たり前, 形態形成, 形成性, 後先, 後続, 御身, 微生物, 恒久的, 成熟, 成熟した, 成育, 成育, 成長, 成長した, 抑制, 持続性, 持続的, 接合子, 放牧, 放線菌, 整頓, 新陳代謝, , 昼行性, 有核, 有機化学, 未発達, 桿菌性, 植物食性, 横っ腹, 横腹, 次第, 残留性, 殖える, 水面下, 永続的, 注文, 活性剤, 活性化因子, 浸透, 無柄, 無毛, 犠牲, 生け贄, 生体内, 生命力, 生命科学者, 生殖, 生物学者, 生物現象, 生育, 生贄, 生長, 用命, 由縁, 異所性, , 疣々, 疣疣, 疣目, 疣贅, 癒着, 発育, 発達, , 相い性, 相性, 社会性, 社会的, , 秩序, , 種類, 突然変異体, 系統発生, 紀律, 紡錘体, 細胞, 細胞内, 細胞外, 細胞説, 細胞間, 結合価, , 縁故, 縮窄, 繁殖, , , 肉体, 肉叢, 肉塊, 肉身, 育ち, 腐敗, 腐蝕, 腐食, 膝状体, 膨圧, 自然, 自由生活, 蕃殖, 複製, 規律, 親和性, 親近感, 註文, 認知, 足手, , 身体, 身躯, 身骨, 躯体, 進化, 進化主義, 進化論, 部門, , , 霜を置いた, 順位, 順序, 順番, 類縁, 食虫性, 飼いならす, 骨身, , abaxial, accretion, acephalous, actinal, actinomorphic, actinomorphous, actinomycete, activator, adaxial, adnate, adult, affinity, alar, alary, aliform, all-devouring, allopatric, alpine, amphibiotic, analogous, anisogamy, antrorse, apposition, astomatous, bacillar, bacillary, basophilic, big, bilaterally symmetrical, bilocular, biloculate, binuclear, binucleate, binucleated, biologist, bioluminescent, bionomic, bionomical, body, bone, bone-covered, brachium, caducous, canescent, capitate, cataplasia, cell, cell doctrine, cell theory, cellular, cellular, cenogenetic, cernuous, class, coarctation, commensal, compressed, conjugate, connate, copy, crested, crop, culture, cybernetics, debone, decomposition, dehiscence, depressed, development, diet, differentiated, differentiation, dimorphism, diurnal, division, domesticate, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dormant, dorsal, downy, drench, drooping, ecologic, ecological, elan vital, enucleate, epimorphic, epizootic, evolution, evolutionism, extracellular, facultative, family, female, fertilized ovum, fissiparous, flat, flesh-eating, form, form family, form genus, formative, free-living, free-swimming, full-grown, fully grown, generalised, generalized, generic, geniculate, genus, glabrous, graze, gregarious, growing, grown, grownup, growth, half-blooded, half-bred, half-breed, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, heterologic, heterological, heterologous, heterology, hibernating, hispid, hoary, homogeny, homologic, homological, homologous, humaneness, in vivo, inhibit, insectivorous, intercellular, intracellular, intussusception, isogamy, isomorphic, isomorphism, isomorphous, isomorphy, katharobic, labile, lasting, lepidote, leprose, life force, life scientist, male, maturation, meat-eating, medium, meme, mental, metabolic process, metabolism, metamorphous, micro-organism, microorganism, monad, mononuclear, mononucleate, monotype, monotypic, morphogenesis, mouthless, multiparous, multiply, mutant, mutation, myrmecophilous, natural, nocturnal, nodding, nonparasitic, nonsymbiotic, nonterritorial, nose, nuclear, nucleate, nucleated, obligate, ontogenesis, ontogeny, order, organic chemistry, organic evolution, organic phenomenon, organic structure, osmosis, palingenetic, parthenote, pasture, pedunculate, pendulous, persistent, phylogenesis, phylogenetic relation, phylogeny, phylum, physical structure, phytophagic, phytophagous, phytophilous, pilary, pilose, pilous, plant-eating, pleomorphism, plumate, plumed, plumose, polydactyl, polydactylous, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, procreate, propagate, puberulent, pubescent, putrefaction, race, reclaim, recognition, regeneration, registered, replicate, reproduce, reproduction, retrorse, ritual killing, rot, rotting, rudimentary, sacrifice, saprobic, scabrous, scaly, schistosome dermatitis, scurfy, semiaquatic, semiaquatic, sericeous, sessile, sessile, shed, side, sitter, social, specialisation, specialization, species, spindle, sport, stabile, stalked, stalkless, stander, stomatous, strain, stratum, subaquatic, subaquatic, subaqueous, subclass, subfamily, subgenus, subkingdom, submerged, submersed, suborder, subphylum, subspecies, superclass, superfamily, superorder, superphylum, swimmer's itch, symbiotic, symbiotically, sympatric, systematic, tame, tame, taxonomic, taxonomical, taxonomy, territorial, tetramerous, theory of evolution, theory of inheritance, theory of organic evolution, thermolabile, tomentose, tomentous, topknotted, torpid, tracking, trailing, transform, transmitter, trap, tribe, trinuclear, trinucleate, trinucleated, tufted, turgor, type, type genus, type species, unattached, uncus, underwater, uniparous, unregistered, urceolate, valence, valency, var., variant, variation, variety, vector, vegetate, ventral, ventricose, ventricous, versatile, vestigial, vital force, vitality, wart, weeping, wing-shaped, zoophagous, zygomorphic, zygomorphous, zygote

    Meronym(s) (Part): セル, ヘッド, 動物の顔, 天々, 天天, 細胞, 身体部位, 雁首, , 頭部, 頭顱, , , body part, caput, cell, face, head

    Hyponym: 4つ脚, 4つ足, アニマル, オス, クローン, サラブレッド, ジャイアント, ステイヤー, プランクトン, ペット, マスコット, ミュータント, ミュータント, メス, レーサー, 二倍体, 二足動物, 交配種, 交雑種, , 人間, 仔虫, 仕留められた獲物, 仲間, 住人, 個々, 個人, 個体, 個個, 倍数体, 先祖返り, 其々, 其れ其れ, 其其, 分子生物学, 動物, 動物プランクトン, 動物学, 半数体, 原核生物, 受精卵, 古生物学, 各個, 各自, 合いの子, 同属の動植物, 同属種, 同族, 四つ脚, 四つ足, 変温動物, 変異体, 変異体, 変種, 外温動物, 多形, 夫々, 夫れ夫れ, 夫夫, 嫌気生物, , 宇宙生物学, 家畜, 宿り木, 宿主, 宿木, 寄生体, 寄生木, 寄生生物, 寄生虫, 山林学, 巨人, 巨大な生物, 巨漢, 幼生, 幼虫, 底生動物, 形態学, 後生動物, 従属栄養体, 微生物, 微生物学, 恒温動物, 愛玩動物, 成人, 成獣, 捕食動物, 捕食者, 放射線生物学, 林学, 森林学, 植物, 植物学, 残存生物, 毛の荒物, 海獣, 無脊椎動物, , , 狩猟鳥獣, 猟獣, , 獣畜, 獲物, 獲物, 珍獣, 環境学, 生き物, 生体, 生態, 生態学, 生物地理学, 生理学, 生類, 異数体, 病害生物, 病害虫, 発生学, 真核生物, 真菌, 真菌類, 社会生物学, 神経生物学, 突然変異体, 突然変異体, 箇々, 箇箇, 純種, 細胞学, 羽抜け鳥, 肉食動物, , 胎仔, 胎児, 胎芽, , 胚子, 脊索動物, 草木, 草食動物, , 菌類, 被食者, 複二倍体, , 遊泳動物, 遺伝学, 野生動物, 野生生物, 銘々, 銘銘, 間の子, 隔世遺伝, , , 雑種, 雑菌, 餌食, 鳥獣, 鳥獣, acrodont, adult, aerobe, amphidiploid, anaerobe, animal, animalcule, animalculum, animate being, astrobiology, atavist, beast, benthos, biogeography, bionomics, biped, botany, brute, captive, carrier, chordate, clon, clone, commensal, conceptus, congenator, congener, congeneric, conspecific, creature, creepy-crawly, critter, cross, crossbreed, cryobiology, cytology, darter, denizen, diploid, domestic animal, domesticated animal, dwarf, ecology, ectotherm, embryo, embryology, environmental science, eucaryote, eukaryote, exobiology, fauna, feeder, female, fertilized egg, fictional animal, flora, forestry, fungus, game, genetic science, genetics, giant, haploid, herbivore, heteroploid, heterotroph, hexapod, homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm, host, hybrid, individual, individual, insectivore, invertebrate, katharobe, larva, male, marine animal, marine creature, mascot, mate, metazoan, micro-organism, microbiology, microorganism, migrator, molecular biology, molter, morphology, mortal, moulter, mutant, mutant, mutation, myrmecophile, native, nekton, neurobiology, nonvascular organism, offspring, omnivore, palaeobiology, paleobiology, parasite, parent, peeper, person, pest, pet, physiology, phytology, plankton, plant, plant life, pleurodont, poikilotherm, polymorph, polyploid, postdiluvian, predator, predatory animal, prey, procaryote, prokaryote, pureblood, purebred, quarry, racer, radiobiology, range animal, recombinant, relative, relict, saprobe, saprophyte, saprophytic organism, scavenger, sea animal, sea creature, sitter, sociobiology, somebody, someone, soul, space biology, sport, stander, stayer, stunt, survivor, thoroughbred, throwback, utterer, variation, varment, varmint, vocaliser, vocalizer, wildlife, work animal, young, zooid, zoological science, zoology, zooplankton

    Meronym(s) (Member): フロラ, フローラ, 動物相, 植物相, 植生, botany, fauna, flora, vegetation, zoology

    Synonym(s): 4つ脚, 4つ足, アニマル, バイオロジー, 動物, 四つ脚, 四つ足, 有機体, 毛の荒物, , 獣畜, 珍獣, 生き物, 生き物, 生き物, 生体, 生体, 生命, 生活体, 生物学, 生物相, 生物科学, 生類, 鳥獣, animal, animate being, beast, being, biological science, biology, biology, biota, brute, creature, fauna, life, organism

    Hypernym(s): コレクション, バイオサイエンス, ライフサイエンス, 収集物, 固まり, 有機体, 生き物, 生き物, 生き物, 生体, 生命科学, 生活体, , 蓄積, 集まり, 集合体, 集合物, 集団, 集積物, accumulation, aggregation, animate thing, animate thing, assemblage, being, bioscience, collection, life science, living thing, living thing, organism

    Meronym(s) (Substance): 動物組織, 組織, animal tissue, tissue

    Holonym(s) (Member): 動物界, animal kingdom, animalia, kingdom animalia




"生物." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 23 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E7%94%9F%E7%89%A9>.

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