いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 連合王国?

同義語 連合王国

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 連合王国.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 連合王国noun

    ヨーロッパ北西部の君主国で、イギリス諸島の大部分を領有する; イングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドに分割される

    a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; 'Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom

    In Domain (Region): 11月5日, in, sas, おつむ, おばあちゃん, お医者, お茶菓子, がくがく, がくつく, がたがた, がたつく, ぐらぐらする, ぐらつく, ごみ袋, しゃっ面, すじ違い, とっぽい, ぶるぶるする, アノラック, アパート, アフタヌーンティー, アフターヌーンティー, アングロサクソン, インターン, インチ, ウィールド地方, ウインドブレーカー, エスクワイア, オクスブリッジ, カウンティ, ガイ・フォークス・デー, ガタガタ, キスして抱擁, キップ, キャスターシュガー, クォーター, クッキー, クリスマスケーキ, クロテッドクリーム, グラハム粉, グレートブリテン, グレートブリテン島, ケジェリー, コモンズ, コンピュータ統合生産, サブトピア, サルーン, サーキット, シムネルケーキ, スエットプディング, ステーションワゴン, ストーン, スロットマシン, スーパーグラス, ティーハウス, ティールーム, テッド, テラス, デザート, トラッド, トランク, ドアノブ, ドアハンドル, ドアマン, ナショナルトラスト, ニュースリーダ, ニュータウン, ヌース, ハイパーマーケット, バガテル, バトル・オブ・ブリテン, バー, パブ, パブリックスクール, パブリックハウス, パーカ, パーチ, パーラメント, ビクトリアケーキ, ビクトリアスポンジ, ビクトリアスポンジケーキ, ビクトリアプラム, ビジュアルディスプレイユニット, ビジュアルディスプレーユニット, ビスキット, ビスケ, ビスケット, フェビアニズム, ブルブルする, ブート, プディング, プレーンフラワー, ペイルエル, ホームカウンティー, ボクシング・デー, ボート, ポークソーセージ, ポール, , ミニキャブ, メン, ラガー, ラグビー, ラグビー・フットボール, ラスト, ランブルシート, リディフュージョン, リフレッシャー, レインコート, レディ, レディー, レーンコート, ロッカ, ロッド, ヴィラ, 一杯呑み屋, 一杯呑屋, 一杯飲み屋, 一杯飲屋, 人足寄せ場, 仲間, 休み, 伝馬船, 保証, 保険, 保障, , , 党首討論, 全粒小麦粉, 全粒粉, 八百屋, 八百屋, 公共職業安定所, 刀自, 分割払い, 刑務所, 医学士, 十億, 千三屋, 半期, 原価計算, , 友だち, 友達, 合羽, 同人, 同士, 呑み屋, 喘鳴, 喫茶店, 団地, 図書券, 国会, 基礎率, 外港, 大地主, 大法官, 大臣, 大衆, 奥方, 委員長, 婦人, 婦人参政権論者, 婦長, 宝探し, 宝探し, 実習生, 寄宿舎, 小母さん, 居酒屋, , 巨大, 揺がす, 揺ぐ, 揺さぶる, 揺さぶれる, 揺さ振る, 揺さ振れる, 揺すぶる, 揺する, 揺すれる, 揺す振る, 揺らぐ, 揺らす, 揺りうごかす, 揺り動かす, 揺る, 揺るがす, 揺るぐ, 揺れる, 揺動, 揺動かす, 揺振る, 揺振れる, 教会区典礼部役員, 教区役員, 有限会社, 朝議, 杓文字, 栄典, , 極点, 水翻し, , 洗面台, 洗面器, 流し場, 淑女, 湯わかし, 火鍋子, 牧師, 獣性, 相場師, 研修医, 確信, 社会扶助, 福引, 福引き, 私設馬券屋, 競馬会, 第三階級, 筋違い, 絆創膏, 結構, 総長, 織物商, 繰越し, 自転車, , 英国内国歳入庁, 英国貴族, 莫大小, 菓子屋, 蝿帳, 試験監督, 議会, , 谷間, 豆電球, 貴婦人, 賦課, 赤ちょうちん, 赤新聞, 車検, 車道, , 郵便ポスト, 都市ガス, 都落ち, 酒場, 金物細工, , 陣がさ, 除去剤, 震動, , , 飮み屋, 飮屋, 飲み屋, 飲屋, 高級, , 1000000000000, 11-plus, admass, admiralty, afternoon tea, aggro, al-muhajiroun, all-mains, anglo-saxon, anorak, appro, argle-bargle, argy-bargy, arterial road, assurance, bachelor of medicine, backbench, backbencher, bagatelle, balls-up, ballup, banger, bar, bar billiards, base rate, battle of britain, beadle, beanfeast, beastliness, berk, betting shop, billion, billion, bin liner, biscuit, bitter, blimp, bloody-minded, boffin, boilers suit, boilersuit, bolshy, book token, boot, boot sale, boss-eyed, bottle bank, boxing day, british cabinet, brolly, brummagem, bubble and squeak, buckshee, bugger all, bumf, bumph, bun-fight, bunfight, burnup, buttoned-up, butty, caff, cantankerous, canty, canvasser, capital, car boot sale, carriageway, carry-forward, carry-over, caster sugar, castor sugar, cattle cake, central intelligence machinery, cert, chancellor, chief constable, chipolata, christmas box, christmas cake, chuffed, cim, circuit, civil list, clanger, clapped out, class list, clawback, clearway, clever clogs, clever dick, climbing frame, clotted cream, clunch, cobblers, cobblers, cockup, coiner, colonel blimp, colour supplement, commissionaire, common or garden, common room, commons, conk, conservancy, constable, convener, cookie, cooky, copper's nark, costing, cottage pie, council tax, countenance, countinghouse, county, county council, county town, crick, croft, crossbench, crossbencher, crown land, cuppa, cupper, dale, dekko, delf, derv, devonshire cream, dickey, dickey, dickey-seat, dickie, dickie-seat, dicky, dicky, dicky-seat, dinky, direct-grant school, dishy, divvy, dixie, doddle, dog's breakfast, dog's dinner, don, doorhandle, doorknob, double dutch, double first, drained, eccles cake, elastoplast, eleven-plus, esq, esquire, estate, estate of the realm, fabianism, facer, fairy light, fanny adams, fanny adams, fare-stage, fire watcher, fire watching, first, first estate, first-class honours degree, fish slice, fives, fleapit, flit, fly, footplate, free house, front bench, frontbencher, fruit machine, fruiterer, fuck all, fug, fuggy, gammy, gamp, gaudy, gb, gen, gin mill, giro, giro account, giro cheque, glebe house, go-slow, gob, gobsmacked, golden syrup, graham, graham flour, grass, great britain, green paper, greengrocer, greengrocery, greengrocery, groovy, grotty, guest night, gun room, gutter press, guvnor, guy, guy fawkes day, gymslip, hair slide, half-term, hall of residence, handbasin, hard cheese, hard shoulder, hasty pudding, headship, heath, heathland, high commission, high tea, higher national diploma, highroad, highway code, hire-purchase, hnd, hock, home counties, home help, home-farm, honours, honours degree, honours list, hooray henry, hornpipe, hose, hosiery, hot pot, hotpot, houseman, housing estate, hypermarket, in, inch, indent, inland revenue, inquiry agent, intern, interne, invigilation, invigilator, ir, ironmongery, jiggered, jobcentre, jolly, judder, jumped-up, justiciar, justiciary, kedgeree, kerb crawler, kink, kip, kisser, knackered, knock-on effect, l-plate, lady, land agent, last, lavabo, ld., lemon cheese, lemon curd, liberal democrat party, lido, lie-in, life office, limited company, linendraper, local authority, lodge, lollipop lady, lollipop woman, long-dated, lord chancellor, lord high chancellor, lords spiritual, lords temporal, ltd., lucky dip, lucky dip, ludo, lumber room, mac, macintosh, mack, mackintosh, made-up, magna carta, magna charta, major, manky, mate, maundy, maundy money, mb, meat safe, medical intern, medium wave, mercer, mere, mess-up, mews, mi, mi, military intelligence section 5, military intelligence section 6, milk float, milliard, minicab, minicar, minister, ministry of transportation test, minor, minster, mod, mod con, mot, mot test, muffin man, mug, nan, nark, national assistance, national trust, nearside, never-never, new town, news reader, newsreader, nick, niff, niffy, no-go area, noblewoman, noddle, non-u, norfolk wherry, nosh-up, nous, november 5, nt, office-bearer, one million million, one million million million, open university, ordnance survey, outfitter, outport, overall, oxbridge, pale ale, panda car, pannikin, pantechnicon, panto, parka, parliament, parliamentary agent, paternoster, patrial, pawky, pease pudding, peckish, peer, peer of the realm, peeress, pelican crossing, peppercorn rent, perambulation, perch, phiz, physiognomy, pillar box, piss-up, pitch, placeman, placeseeker, plain flour, plaint, play-box, playbox, plimsoll, plonk, ploughman's lunch, plughole, po-faced, point, point duty, pointsman, pole, police constable, polony, pong, pony-trekking, poor rates, poppy day, pork butcher, post-free, pot plant, potboy, pothouse, potman, potted, potty, poverty trap, power point, prang, preceptor, premium bond, privy council, pub, public house, public school, publican, pud, pudding, pull-in, pull-up, punch-up, punnet, push-bike, quadrillion, quarter, quarter day, quarterlight, question master, question time, quizmaster, race meeting, racing circuit, rag, rag, rag day, rag week, ranker, ranker, ratability, ratable, ratables, rateability, rateable, rateables, ratepayer, rates, rave-up, recorder, red-brick, redbrick, redbrick university, redcap, rediffusion, refresher, remembrance day, remembrance sunday, remover, rent-rebate, returning officer, rhenish, rhine wine, rick, rock salmon, rocker, rod, roly-poly, roly-poly pudding, ropey, ropy, rota, rowing boat, royal charter, rub up, rugby, rugby football, rugger, rustication, salad cream, saloon, sandboy, sas, saveloy, scrimshank, scrimshanker, scrumpy, scrutineer, scullery, secateurs, second estate, secret intelligence service, security service, select committee, sell-by date, settler, shadow cabinet, shake, sheeprun, sheepwalk, shire, shire town, shirty, shooting brake, short-dated, shoulder flash, shove-ha'penny, shove-halfpenny, shovel board, shufti, sick benefit, sickness benefit, simnel, sir, sixpence, sixth-former, skid lid, skidpan, skiffle, skiffle group, skivvy, slate club, slavey, slip carriage, slip coach, slop basin, slop bowl, slop-seller, slopseller, smallholder, smallholding, smiler, snogging, snorter, snorty, social assistance, sod, special air service, special branch, speech day, spiffing, spinney, spiv, sponge bag, spotted dick, sprog, sprog, square-bashing, squire, stall, starkers, stately home, sten gun, stipendiary, stipendiary magistrate, stockbroker belt, stockjobber, stone, stone breaker, storm cone, strongroom, stroppy, sublieutenant, subtopia, suet pudding, suffragette, sundowner, supergrass, supplementary benefit, supremo, surgery, surgical spirit, swagger, sweet fanny adams, swingeing, swiz, take-away, takeout, tallyman, tanner, tannoy, taphouse, tart, tavern keeper, tea, tea biscuit, tea parlor, tea parlour, teacake, teahouse, tearaway, tearoom, teashop, teatime, ted, teddy boy, tenpence, terrace, terraced house, thatcherism, thatcherite, the great charter, the three estates, third estate, threepence, ticket tout, ticktack, tinpot, tipsy cake, titfer, tod, tod, toffee-nosed, toilet bag, tombola, top-flight, top-hole, top-up, topping, tout, town gas, townee, trad, training college, treacle, trillion, trillion, trunk road, tuck, tuck box, tuck shop, u, underfelt, unratable, vac, valuer, van, vdu, verge, victoria plum, victoria sandwich, victoria sponge, victualer, victualler, villa, visage, visual display unit, wally, wash-hand basin, washbasin, washbowl, water-rate, weald, whacked, whacking, wheeze, wherry, whip-round, whist drive, whitefish, whole meal flour, whole wheat flour, wincey, winceyette, windbreaker, windcheater, wog, wooden spoon, workhouse, works council, wrick, wykehamist, year dot, zizz, zizz

    Instance(s): 王国, kingdom

    Synonym(s): イギリス, グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国, 英国, britain, great britain, u.k., uk, united kingdom, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

    Meronym(s) (Part): イングランド, スコットランド, 北アイルランド, 寒武利亜, cambria, cymru, england, northern ireland, scotland, wales

    Holonym(s) (Part): イギリス諸島, british isles

    Holonym(s) (Member): 欧州経済共同体, common market, ec, eec, eu, europe, european community, european economic community, european union, nato, north atlantic treaty organization

    Hyponym: blighty




"連合王国." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 18 Apr. 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E9%80%A3%E5%90%88%E7%8E%8B%E5%9B%BD>.

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Are you a human thesaurus?

Which of the following terms is an antonym of "miserable"?
A pathetic
B misfortunate
C comfy
D measly


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