What is another word for deep?

Synonyms for deep

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word deep.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepadjective


  2. deepadjective


    thin, shallow

  3. deepadjective

    The deep (meaning 2 above) part of a problem.

    That is a deep thought!

    meaningful, profound, heavy

    superficial, light, shallow, frivolous

  4. deepadjective

    A fielding position near the boundary.

    The shelves are 30cm deep.


  5. deepadjective


    to take a deep breath / sigh / drink

    large, voluminous, great

    shallow, small

  6. deepadjective

    Low in pitch.

    She has a very deep contralto

    low-pitched, low

    high, high-pitched, piping

  7. deepadjective

    Dark and highly saturated.

    That's a very deep shade of blue

    rich, vivid, bright

    light, pale, washed-out, desaturated

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deep

    That is obscure which the eye or the mind can not clearly discern or see through, whether because of its own want of transparency, its depth or intricacy, or because of mere defect of light. That which is complicated is likely to be obscure, but that may be obscure which is not at all complicated and scarcely complex, as a muddy pool. In that which is abstruse (Latin abs, from, and trudo, push) as if removed from the usual course of thought or out of the way of apprehension or discovery, the thought is remote, hidden; in that which is obscure there may be nothing to hide; it is hard to see to the bottom of the profound, because of its depth, but the most shallow turbidness is obscure. Compare COMPLEX; DARK; DIFFICULT; MYSTERIOUS.

    See synonyms for CLEAR.

    abstruse, ambiguous, cloudy, complex, complicated, dark, darksome, dense, difficult, dim, doubtful, dusky, enigmatical, hidden, incomprehensible, indistinct, intricate, involved, muddy, mysterious, obscure, profound, turbid, unintelligible

Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepnoun

    the central and most intense or profound part

    "in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter"

    trench, oceanic abyss

    little, narrow, light, high, ankle-deep, shoaly, explicable, shallow, colorless, small, mild, shelfy, reefy, wakeful, exoteric, high-pitched, close, superficial, knee-deep, shelvy, colourless, artless, thin, neritic, fordable

  2. trench, deep, oceanic abyssnoun

    a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor

    trench, oceanic abyss

    high-pitched, colourless, small, shallow, fordable, reefy, little, wakeful, thin, narrow, shelvy, shelfy, colorless, close, high, mild, exoteric, knee-deep, shoaly, ankle-deep, explicable, superficial, light, neritic, artless

  3. deepadjective

    literary term for an ocean

    "denizens of the deep"

    trench, oceanic abyss

    shallow, colourless, shoaly, high, close, thin, small, knee-deep, neritic, fordable, mild, ankle-deep, little, reefy, light, shelvy, artless, superficial, narrow, wakeful, high-pitched, colorless, shelfy, exoteric, explicable

  4. deepadjective

    relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply

    "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    high-pitched, light, close, thin, wakeful, shallow, colorless, shelfy, narrow, little, mild, neritic, small, high, superficial, shelvy, knee-deep, exoteric, shoaly, explicable, fordable, colourless, ankle-deep, artless, reefy

  5. deepadjective

    marked by depth of thinking

    "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    little, mild, reefy, exoteric, thin, explicable, colorless, high, close, shoaly, artless, narrow, ankle-deep, fordable, light, colourless, knee-deep, wakeful, superficial, shallow, shelvy, high-pitched, neritic, small, shelfy

  6. deepadjective

    having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination

    "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waist-deep"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    high, fordable, explicable, superficial, little, wakeful, shallow, mild, shelvy, ankle-deep, small, close, reefy, high-pitched, light, neritic, artless, shoaly, narrow, thin, shelfy, colourless, knee-deep, exoteric, colorless

  7. deepadjective

    very distant in time or space

    "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    exoteric, shelfy, shallow, light, little, high, shoaly, shelvy, small, close, wakeful, reefy, mild, artless, knee-deep, colourless, ankle-deep, high-pitched, explicable, neritic, fordable, superficial, thin, narrow, colorless

  8. deepadjective


    "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    mild, shelfy, high-pitched, neritic, reefy, small, shelvy, light, colorless, fordable, high, shallow, artless, colourless, superficial, little, narrow, knee-deep, ankle-deep, shoaly, wakeful, exoteric, thin, explicable, close

  9. bass, deepadjective

    having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range

    "a deep voice"; "a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice"; "a bass clarinet"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    knee-deep, thin, fordable, narrow, colorless, small, reefy, explicable, mild, light, high, close, superficial, little, shelvy, exoteric, ankle-deep, artless, shoaly, wakeful, shallow, neritic, colourless, high-pitched, shelfy

  10. deep, richadjective

    strong; intense

    "deep purple"; "a rich red"

    bass, mystifying, fat, robust, recondite, full-bodied, cryptical, copious, cryptic, racy, inscrutable, abstruse, productive, ample, rich, fertile, mysterious, plentiful, thick, plenteous

    wakeful, reefy, little, shoaly, fordable, colorless, exoteric, shelfy, neritic, shallow, colourless, high, narrow, mild, close, small, knee-deep, artless, thin, high-pitched, ankle-deep, superficial, explicable, shelvy, light

  11. deepadjective

    relatively thick from top to bottom

    "deep carpets"; "deep snow"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    shelvy, high-pitched, wakeful, fordable, superficial, reefy, shallow, high, colorless, thin, colourless, shelfy, close, small, narrow, little, ankle-deep, mild, shoaly, artless, knee-deep, exoteric, explicable, light, neritic

  12. deepadjective

    extending relatively far inward

    "a deep border"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    thin, shoaly, high, small, reefy, high-pitched, exoteric, superficial, neritic, fordable, mild, colourless, little, shallow, artless, ankle-deep, shelvy, knee-deep, wakeful, colorless, close, explicable, shelfy, narrow, light

  13. thick, deepadjective

    (of darkness) very intense

    "thick night"; "thick darkness"; "a face in deep shadow"; "deep night"

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, mystifying, blockheaded, cryptical, chummy, thick-skulled, rich, thickset, abstruse, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, recondite, inscrutable, heavyset, cryptic, buddy-buddy, mysterious, bass, thick(p), thick, slurred

    shallow, fordable, shelfy, high, knee-deep, reefy, colorless, little, small, neritic, high-pitched, explicable, mild, shelvy, close, exoteric, light, wakeful, artless, superficial, ankle-deep, shoaly, thin, colourless, narrow

  14. deepadjective

    large in quantity or size

    "deep cuts in the budget"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    fordable, close, high-pitched, thin, high, little, light, wakeful, shoaly, small, colorless, mild, explicable, neritic, shelvy, shallow, colourless, exoteric, reefy, superficial, shelfy, knee-deep, narrow, artless, ankle-deep

  15. deepadjective

    with head or back bent low

    "a deep bow"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    small, explicable, mild, wakeful, shelvy, close, neritic, shallow, high, little, artless, light, exoteric, fordable, narrow, ankle-deep, colourless, superficial, reefy, thin, shelfy, colorless, knee-deep, shoaly, high-pitched

  16. cryptic, cryptical, deep, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifyingadjective

    of an obscure nature

    "the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms"; "a deep dark secret"; "the inscrutable workings of Providence"; "in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life"- Rachel Carson; "rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands"

    kabbalistic, mystifying, bass, cryptical, mystic, occult, secret, recondite, qabalistic, orphic, inscrutable, abstruse, cryptic, rich, mysterious, cabalistic, mystical, thick, sibylline

    little, knee-deep, superficial, shallow, high, small, close, artless, wakeful, exoteric, shoaly, shelfy, narrow, colorless, shelvy, neritic, mild, high-pitched, reefy, fordable, colourless, explicable, thin, ankle-deep, light

  17. abstruse, deep, reconditeadjective

    difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge

    "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them"; "a deep metaphysical theory"; "some recondite problem in historiography"

    cryptic, abstruse, mysterious, inscrutable, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    mild, exoteric, shallow, small, neritic, ankle-deep, colourless, artless, close, little, thin, light, fordable, explicable, high, wakeful, reefy, colorless, shoaly, narrow, superficial, shelfy, high-pitched, knee-deep, shelvy

  18. deepadverb

    exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy

    "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot"

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

    explicable, little, shoaly, shallow, colourless, high-pitched, high, neritic, superficial, light, wakeful, shelvy, thin, fordable, colorless, ankle-deep, close, mild, artless, small, reefy, knee-deep, exoteric, shelfy, narrow

  19. deeply, deepadverb

    to a great depth;far down

    "dived deeply"; "dug deep"

    deeply, profoundly, late

    little, high-pitched, artless, shoaly, narrow, thin, shelfy, exoteric, reefy, mild, light, high, shallow, knee-deep, fordable, colorless, small, colourless, explicable, close, neritic, superficial, shelvy, ankle-deep, wakeful

  20. deep, lateadverb

    to an advanced time

    "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening"

    lately, of late, deeply, latterly, tardily, late, recently, belatedly

    mild, thin, high-pitched, high, light, ankle-deep, small, shelvy, neritic, superficial, little, colourless, shoaly, shallow, artless, colorless, exoteric, knee-deep, narrow, fordable, reefy, close, explicable, shelfy, wakeful

  21. deepadverb

    to a great distance

    "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods"

    deeply, late

    narrow, high, close, shoaly, mild, little, superficial, reefy, light, neritic, artless, fordable, shallow, small, wakeful, exoteric, shelvy, knee-deep, shelfy, explicable, high-pitched, colorless, colourless, thin, ankle-deep

Matched Categories

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepadjective

    profound, unfathomable

  2. deepadjective

    mysterious, intricate, knotty, difficult, hard (to comprehend)

  3. deepadjective

    sagacious, penetrating, intelligent, discerning, shrewd

  4. deepadjective

    absorbed, engrossed, rapt up

  5. deepadjective

    grave, low, not high, not sharp

  6. deepadjective

    dark, intense

  7. deepadjective

    great, thorough, entire

  8. deepnoun

    sea, ocean, main

  9. deepadjective


Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepadjective

    profound, intricate, inexplicable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, recondite, abstruse, abysmal, sagacious, cunning, astute, shrewd, dark, intense, grave, grum, full-toned, guttural

    superficial, shallow

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How to use deep in a sentence?

  1. Vincent Reinhart:

    I think deep down they are worried about un-anchoring inflation expectations.

  2. British Prime Minister David Cameron:

    I acknowledge that those wounds run very deep indeed, but I do hope that as friends who have gone through so much together since those darkest of times, we can move on from this hateful legacy.

  3. Jeremy Douglas:

    The illicit drug market here is at a tipping point as synthetic opioid production appears to be migrating into places with deep governance problems like the Golden Triangle, southeast Asia could well become a source of opioids for other parts of the world while these substances get mixed into or displace part of the regional heroin supply.

  4. Wendy Sherman:

    It is an opaque society. The level of mistrust is very profound and deep. I think we are taking baby steps, but I don't anticipate great movement right away, it's not going to happen overnight.

  5. Krissy Miles:

    Instead, the Bible tells us that Abram ‘fell into a deep sleep’ and had a vision of ‘a smoking firepot and a blazing torch’ passing between the pieces.

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