What is another word for separate?

Synonyms for separate
ˈsɛp əˌreɪt; -ər ɪtsep·a·rate

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word separate.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateverb

    The central idea of withdrawing makes abstract in common speech a euphemism for appropriate (unlawfully), purloin, steal. In mental processes we discriminate between objects by distinguishing their differences; we separate some one element from all that does not necessarily belong to it, abstract it, and view it alone. We may separate two ideas, and hold both in mind in comparison or contrast; but when we abstract one of them, we drop the other out of thought. The mind is abstracted when it is withdrawn from all other subjects and concentrated upon one, diverted when it is drawn away from what it would or should attend to by some other interest, distracted when the attention is divided among different subjects, so that it can not be given properly to any. The trouble with the distracted person is that he is not abstracted. Compare DISCERN.

    abstract, appropriate, detach, discriminate, distinguish, distract, divert, eliminate, purloin, remove, steal, take away, withdraw

    add, combine, complete, conjoin, fill up, increase, restore, strengthen, unite

    The purse may be abstracted from the pocket; the substance from the accidents; a book into a compend.

Princeton's WordNet3.3 / 3 votes

  1. offprint, reprint, separatenoun

    a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication

    offprint, reissue, reprint, reprinting

    conjunct, conjoined, cooperative, collective, conjunctive, joint, corporate, clannish, integrated, concerted, connected, cosignatory, conjoint, attached

  2. separateadjective

    a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments

    offprint, reprint

    conjoined, joint, concerted, collective, attached, connected, corporate, clannish, cooperative, conjoint, cosignatory, conjunctive, integrated, conjunct

  3. separateadjective

    independent; not united or joint

    "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church"

    disjoined, freestanding

    conjoined, cooperative, joint, conjunctive, connected, collective, conjoint, conjunct, concerted, cosignatory, corporate, clannish, integrated, attached

  4. freestanding, separateadjective

    standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything

    "a freestanding bell tower"; "a house with a separate garage"

    disjoined, freestanding

    concerted, clannish, cosignatory, conjoined, conjunctive, cooperative, collective, integrated, joint, connected, conjunct, corporate, conjoint, attached

  5. separateadjective

    separated according to race, sex, class, or religion

    "separate but equal"; "girls and boys in separate classes"

    disjoined, freestanding

    conjunct, cooperative, connected, corporate, integrated, cosignatory, clannish, conjoint, joint, concerted, conjunctive, collective, attached, conjoined

  6. disjoined, separateverb

    have the connection undone; having become separate

    disjoined, freestanding

    joint, conjunctive, concerted, clannish, attached, conjunct, conjoined, cosignatory, integrated, conjoint, cooperative, connected, corporate, collective

  7. separate, divideverb

    act as a barrier between; stand between

    "The mountain range divides the two countries"

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, fraction, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjoined, concerted, conjunct, joint, cosignatory, corporate, conjoint, attached, integrated, collective, connected, conjunctive, clannish, cooperative

  8. separate, disunite, divide, partverb

    force, take, or pull apart

    "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, assort, disassociate, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, dissociate, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, divorce, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, disjoint, secernate, set out

    conjunct, corporate, attached, cosignatory, clannish, joint, conjoint, collective, cooperative, integrated, conjoined, connected, conjunctive, concerted

  9. distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apartverb

    mark as different

    "We distinguish several kinds of maple"

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, discriminate, spot, mark, differentiate, sort, signalise, enjoin, split up, key out, evidence, tell, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, state, pick out, order, carve up, key, severalize, split, assure, speciate, fall apart, severalise, furcate, dissever, signalize, assort, specialize, recount, class, identify, make out, specialise, branch, discern, secern, recognize, recite, name, disunite, recognise, narrate, describe, break, sort out, ramify, fork, discover, secernate, say

    concerted, attached, integrated, collective, conjoined, connected, conjoint, clannish, cosignatory, joint, corporate, cooperative, conjunctive, conjunct

  10. divide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve upverb

    separate into parts or portions

    "divide the cake into three equal parts"; "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I"

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, cleave, split up, fork, differentiate, fraction, break up, divide, rive, single out, part, come apart, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, assort, class, discriminate, branch, break open, secern, divorce, disunite, tell, burst, sort out, ramify, secernate

    conjunctive, concerted, cosignatory, conjoined, attached, cooperative, clannish, conjoint, conjunct, collective, joint, corporate, connected, integrated

  11. separateverb

    divide into components or constituents

    "Separate the wheat from the chaff"

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjoined, collective, integrated, conjoint, concerted, cosignatory, clannish, conjunct, conjunctive, attached, joint, corporate, cooperative, connected

  12. classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separateverb

    arrange or order by classes or categories

    "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?"

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, associate, single out, split up, shed light on, crystalise, differentiate, sieve, divide, crystalize, fall apart, part, crystallise, carve up, sort, severalize, consort, split, come apart, correct, severalise, dissever, furcate, assort, affiliate, class, illuminate, clear, discriminate, discipline, branch, secern, screen out, elucidate, screen, crystallize, clear up, enlighten, relegate, disunite, straighten out, tell, break, sort out, ramify, fork, break up, secernate

    clannish, cooperative, collective, attached, connected, joint, conjoined, conjunctive, cosignatory, corporate, conjoint, concerted, conjunct, integrated

  13. separate, divideverb

    make a division or separation

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, fraction, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    joint, connected, corporate, integrated, collective, conjunct, conjunctive, conjoint, cosignatory, conjoined, concerted, clannish, attached, cooperative

  14. separate, part, split up, split, break, break upverb

    discontinue an association or relation; go different ways

    "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"

    crack, fork, give way, soften, disperse, reveal, cut off, give out, single out, unwrap, fall apart, part, disassemble, collapse, die, classify, transgress, founder, weaken, fragmentise, calve, fragmentize, bump, discover, snap off, take off, go, ramify, demote, break out, split, sort out, give away, take apart, crack up, damp, smash, interrupt, carve up, offend, distinguish, fracture, relegate, discriminate, bring out, violate, class, divulge, pause, break-dance, let on, recess, get around, rive, wear out, cave in, sort, conk out, tell apart, break away, check, break open, break up, breach, develop, give, split up, branch, secern, decompose, dissolve, assort, better, furcate, fragment, burst, go bad, adjourn, tell, secernate, break off, cleave, disclose, crash, bust, erupt, scatter, dismantle, recrudesce, break apart, break dance, divide, go against, dampen, set forth, severalize, divorce, fall in, disrupt, break in, let out, dissever, severalise, ruin, start, depart, kick downstairs, disunite, differentiate, stop, dispel, break down, infract, set out, fail, come apart, bankrupt, set off, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, start out, intermit, dissipate, sever, get out, pick, resolve, wear

    concerted, attached, integrated, collective, cosignatory, joint, clannish, conjoined, cooperative, conjunctive, connected, conjoint, conjunct, corporate

  15. separate, part, splitverb

    go one's own way; move apart

    "The friends separated after the party"

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, cleave, start out, differentiate, rive, split up, fork, tell, break up, divide, come apart, single out, break open, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, disunite, set forth, burst, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

    clannish, collective, conjoined, corporate, cosignatory, concerted, cooperative, integrated, joint, conjoint, conjunctive, conjunct, attached, connected

  16. break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apartverb

    become separated into pieces or fragments

    "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart"

    crack, break away, give way, soften, reveal, develop, single out, unwrap, conk out, expose, die, distinguish, transgress, founder, weaken, discover, snap off, stop, go, ramify, demote, break out, split, sort out, give away, damp, smash, interrupt, carve up, offend, get out, fracture, relegate, discriminate, bring out, violate, class, divulge, divorce, pause, let on, get around, wear out, cave in, sort, fork, tell apart, break-dance, break up, check, give out, break in, give, split up, branch, secern, better, furcate, burst, go bad, tell, secernate, breach, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, collapse, recrudesce, break dance, divide, go against, dampen, severalize, break down, assort, fall in, bump, let out, dissever, severalise, ruin, fall apart, kick downstairs, disunite, part, infract, fail, come apart, bankrupt, crumble, differentiate, break, discontinue, intermit, go to pieces, wear, classify

    connected, joint, corporate, cosignatory, concerted, collective, conjoint, conjunct, attached, conjunctive, clannish, conjoined, cooperative, integrated

  17. discriminate, separate, single outverb

    treat differently on the basis of sex or race

    divide, assort, carve up, know apart, come apart, fork, classify, secern, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, part, break, disunite, severalise, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, distinguish, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjunctive, conjunct, conjoined, cosignatory, cooperative, connected, collective, corporate, attached, joint, concerted, clannish, integrated, conjoint

  18. separate, divide, partverb

    come apart

    "The two pieces that we had glued separated"

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

    joint, collective, clannish, integrated, conjunctive, concerted, conjoint, attached, connected, conjoined, cooperative, cosignatory, conjunct, corporate

  19. branch, ramify, fork, furcate, separateverb

    divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork

    "The road forks"

    divide, split, pitchfork, sort, come apart, assort, classify, secern, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, part, break, disunite, severalise, break up, fall apart, severalize, secernate, complexify, split up, furcate, fork, distinguish, tell apart, carve up, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    cooperative, collective, corporate, connected, cosignatory, conjunct, conjoined, conjunctive, conjoint, joint, clannish, concerted, attached, integrated

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. split up

    cause to move or be apart.

    police were trying to separate two rioting mobs.

    Submitted by JP03 on March 29, 2015  
  2. unmergedverb

    take apart, keep as separate components of the whole

    the union should give separate representation to the individual voices with different opinions and should unmerge them.

    Submitted by anonymous on July 26, 2021  

Dictionary of English Synonymes0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateverb

    disjoin, disunite, disconnect, dispart, divide, detach, disengage, insulate, isolate

  2. separateverb

    sever, dissever, sunder, cleave, part

  3. separateverb

    withdraw, remove, eliminate

  4. separateadjective

    disjoined, disconnected, unconnected, disunited, dissociated, detached, distinct, discrete

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How to use separate in a sentence?

  1. Andrea Syrtash:

    Couplesdon't need to do everything together; but a couple can't lead separate lives if they want their marriage to work over the long-term, they shouldn't be co-dependent or too independent -- they should be interdependent.

  2. Frederick Buechner:

    The grace of God means something like Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you. There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too.

  3. Erich Fromm:

    Man may be defined as the animal that can say I, that can be aware of himself as a separate entity.

  4. Greg Abbott:

    Earlier today the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, separately received tips that alleged child abuse and neglect at the San Antonio migrant facility, abbott said there were four complaints; claiming child sex abuse at the facility, understaffing, children not eating and the failure to separate children with or without COVID-19.

  5. Pennsylvania State Police:

    The investigation revealed Mentzer had inappropriate contact with five separate female students ages 8, 9, and three 11-year-olds beginning in August 2017 at the East Hanover Elementary School.

Translations for separate

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • skei, afgesonderde, aparte, verdeel, deel, geskeideAfrikaans
  • منفصل, فصلArabic
  • айырым, башҡа, айырыуBashkir
  • separat, separarCatalan, Valencian
  • oddělený, oddělit, separátní, samostatnýCzech
  • gwahanWelsh
  • adskilleDanish
  • unterscheiden, separieren, trennen, separat, sich trennen, getrennt, teilen, einzeln, scheiden, auseinanderfallenGerman
  • malkunigi, malkunaEsperanto
  • separado, separar, disgregarSpanish
  • erottaa, eri, erillinen, irrottaa, erottua, irtonainenFinnish
  • séparer, séparée, séparéFrench
  • scaoil i, deighilIrish
  • air leth, bhoScottish Gaelic
  • separar, separado, separarseGalician
  • अलगHindi
  • elkülönít, elválaszt, különálló, különHungarian
  • բաժանել, անջատել, առանձնացնել, տրոհել, առանձին, անջատArmenian
  • aðkilinnIcelandic
  • separato, separata, separareItalian
  • נפרדHebrew
  • 分離, 分れた, 分かれる, 別れる, 切り離すJapanese
  • 분리되다, 개개의, 별개의, 분리하다Korean
  • schiften, afgezonderde, afgezonderd, scheiden, gescheiden, afzonderlijkDutch
  • oddzielny, osobnyPolish
  • جلا, بېلPashto, Pushto
  • separar-se, separado, separarPortuguese
  • haytarakuyQuechua
  • despărți, separa, separată, separatRomanian
  • разделять, разлучать, разъединять, отдельный, раздельный, отделять, обособленный, разделятьсяRussian
  • avskilja, skiljd, söndra, avskild, skilja, splittra, separat, dela, skildSwedish
  • தனிTamil
  • విడిపోవు, వేరు చేయు, విడిTelugu
  • окремоUkrainian
  • الگUrdu
  • schåyîWalloon

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