いくつかの代替単語は何ですか 法令?

同義語 法令

このシソーラスページはすべての可能な同義語、その用語と同等の、同じ意味および類似の単語です、 法令.

Japanese WordNet / Princeton WordNet

  1. 法令noun


    「朝食前に散歩をするのが彼のきまりだ」; 「髪を短く切るのが規則だった」

    a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior

    "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation"



    legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity

    "there is a law against kidnapping"


    an act passed by a legislative body


    prescribed guide for conduct or action


    an authoritative rule


    「文明は、法律の尊重を前提とする」; 「秩序を強化している一方で自由を許容する法学にとって重大な問題」

    the collection of rules imposed by authority

    "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"

    In Domain (Category): お墨付き, ぶち込む, アミカス・キュリエ, アムネスティ, アメリカ合衆国憲法, アリバイ, インタナショナルロー, インターナショナルロー, インヘリタンス, オーナ, オーナー, クライアント, クラスアクション, コピー, コンスティチューション, サイテーション, サイドバー, ジャッジメント, ソリシター, チケット, ティケット, テストケース, ディフェンス, デュー・プロセス・オブ・ロー, デリバティブ, データベース管理者, ドキュメント, ナチュラリゼーション, バー, パスポート, パテント, パテント, パラリーガル, パートナー関係, パーミッション, フィアット, プリンシプル, ポリスコート, マリッジ, ライセンス, リビングウィル, リーガルシステム, 一事不再理, 一存, 万国公法, 上告, 上級裁判所, 上訴, 不同意, 不当, 不法, 不法監禁, 不法行為, 不縁, 与える, 中傷, , 主張, 事件移送命令書, 事務弁護士, 事実審裁判官, 事実認定, 人身保護, 人身保護令状, 代々受け継がれてきた, 代理委任状, 代言人, 代言人, 令状, 伝聞証拠, 作為義務, 使用禁止にすること, 使用許可, 依頼人, 依頼者, 保管人, 保釈, 保釈, 信教の自由, 信頼関係, 傍証, 允許, 免状, 免罪, 免罪, 免許, 免許状, 免許証, 免訴, 免訴, 免訴, 免責, 全権委任法, 公判, 公判の開かれる部屋, 公布者, 公文, 公文書, 公法, 公裁, 公許, 公証人, 公認, 公認, 再審, 再審, 再直接尋問, , 写し, 写し物, 写本, 写物, 処罰を免れさせる, 出版の自由, 出訴期限法, 切符, 刑事被告人, 刑事訴訟, 刑律, 刑法, 判事席, 判定, 判定, 判明, 判決, 判決, 判決, 判決における裁判官の意見, 判決を言い渡す, 判決理由, 利権, 制定法, 制法, 副書, 副本, 副検事, 効力, 勅令, 勾留, 協約書, 却下, 原則, 原告, 原理, 参政権, 参考人, 反トラスト訴訟, 反対意見, 反対訊問, 反訴, 反訴, 収用, 収監, 収監, 召喚, 召喚状, 召喚状, 可決, 台帳, 司法取引, 司法権, 司法省, 司法裁判, 司法長官, 合法化, 合衆国最高裁判所, 合衆国法典, 否認, 告訴人, , 命令, 命令, 命題, 商慣習法, 商法, 問注, 喚問, 営倉, 四季裁判所, 国内法, 国法, 国際法, 土地収用, 地券, 執行猶予, 執行猶予, 基本法, 売渡証, 多数意見, 大赦, 大赦, 大陪審, 大陪審の告発, 夫婦別, 夫婦別れ, 好む, 妻帯, 委譲, 婚儀, 婚姻, 婚媾, 嫁入り, 嫁娶, 嫌疑者, , 守り, 守備, 官選弁護人, 実証, 宣誓供述書, 宣誓証言, 害心, 家宅捜索令状, 家督, 容疑, 容疑者, 審判, 審問, 審理, 小陪審, 少年犯罪, 差し出す, 布告, 帰化, 帳簿, 帳面, 幽する, 幽囚, 幽閉, 店主, 店立, 店立て, 座元, 座本, 廃棄処分, 弁疏, 弁論趣意書, 弁護, 弁護人, 弁護士, 弁護士, 弁護士, 弁護士業, 弁護士費用, 弁護者, 引き合い人, 引合い人, 引合人, 引用, 引証, 弛める, 強制排除, 当事者, 律令, 御墨付き, 御目出度, 御芽出度, 復刻, 忌避, 応訴, 恩赦, 恩赦, 恩赦, 情況証拠, 慣習法, 憲法, 憲法, 憲章, 懲罰的損害賠償, 成婚, 成文法, 成文法, 戒厳令, 所持者, 所有主, 所有権者, 所有者, 承継, 承認, 投獄, 投獄, 投票システム, 投票制度, 抗告, 抗弁, 抗辯, 押しこめる, 押し込める, 押込める, 拘留, 拘禁, 拘置, 拘置, 持ち主, 持主, 指し図, 指令, 指図, 捜索令状, 授権, 授権法, 授権法規, 掌理, 控訴, 提出, 提示, 放免, 故意, 故意犯, 故障, 故障, 救貧法, 文書, 文書持参証人召喚令状, 文書提出命令, 断罪, 旅券, 旅行免状, 既婚, 明かす, 明す, 明す, 普通法, 書き付け, 書き置き, 書付, 書付け, 書契, 書案, 書留, 書置, 書置き, 最終弁論, 朝憲, 本法, 条例, 条例, 条項, 棄却, 検事, 検察, 検察官, 検認, 検認, 検面調書, 模擬裁判, 権利書, 権利章典, 権利譲渡, 権能賦与法, 欠席裁判, 正当な法の手続き, 毀損, 決議, 没収, 治安判事, , 法の適正な過程, 法典, 法制度, 法務, 法学者, 法定代理, 法家, 法度, 法廷, 法廷侮辱, 法廷侮辱罪, 法廷助言者, 法律, 法律, 法律, 法律の執行, 法律事務所, 法律制度, 法律家, 法律専門家, 法律案, 法律業, 法曹界, 法条, 法案, 法理, 法的救済, 法的文書, 法的追放, 法規, 流通証券, 海洋法, 渡す, 渡航免状, 満足, 準正, 無能, 父祖伝来, 物語る, 特許, 特許権, 特赦, 特赦, 狩猟法, 独占禁止法, 理論的根拠, 用益物権, 申したてる, 申しわたす, 申し立て, 申し立てる, 申渡す, 申立てる, 留め書き, 留書, 留書き, 留置, 留置, 略式裁判, 異議, 異議, 癒着, 発明権, 登記, 登録, 監禁, 直接尋問, 直接証拠, 相手どる, 相手取る, 相続, 破婚, 破産, 破産管財人, 示す, 社主, 禁固, 禁固, 禁止命令, 禁牢, 禁獄, 禁酒法, 禁錮, 禁錮, 科条, 租税法, 移譲, 税制, 積荷目録, 立ち会い人, 立ち会い証人, 立ち退き, 立会い人, 立会い証人, 立会人, 立会証人, 立法, 立法府, 立法者, 立法者, 立証, 第一審裁判官, 第一審裁判所, 筆記, 答弁, 箝口令, 管財, 管財人, 精算人, 経営者, 結婚, 継承, 緩める, 緩和, 縁付, 縁付き, 縁定, 縁定め, 縁組, 縁組, 縁組み, 縁組み, 縁結び, 縲紲, 縲絏, 罪する, 罪体, 置き文, 置文, 聴す, 聴聞, 聴聞会, 腹部, 行政法, 被告, 被告人, 被告席, 被疑者, 裁き, 裁判, 裁判, 裁判所, 裁判所命令, 裁判権, 裁判管轄, 裁定, 裁定, 裁断, 裁決, 裏づける, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 裏書, 裏書き, 複写, 言い渡す, 言渡す, 言論の自由, , 記念スタンプ, 記文, 記録, 許す, 許可, 許可書, 許可証, 許状, , , 訴え, 訴え, 訴人, 訴訟, 訴訟, 訴訟, 訴訟人, 訴訟当事者, 訴訟行為, 訴訟記録, 訴追, 証す, 証する, 証人, 証人, 証拠, 証拠だてる, 証拠立てる, 証拠開示, 証明, 証明, 証言, 証言, 試行前, 試訴, 認可, 認可, 認可状, 認可証, 認定, 認許, 誘拐, 誤審, 調停, 調書, 謄本, 警備, 議事妨害, 議決権, 譲与, 譲渡, 譲渡人, 讒言, 讒謗, 赦す, 赦免, 赦免状, 身元不明者, 軍事裁判所, 軍律, 軍法, 軍配, 転写物, 軽減, 追い立て, 追放, 逮捕状, 過失犯, 道理, 適法手続き, 選挙システム, 選挙制度, 選挙権, 遺書, 遺産, 遺言書, 遺言検認判事, 遺言状, 遺言補足書, 遺財, 遺贈, 釈放, 重婚, 金句, 鑑定, 鑑札, 閉じ込める, 防御, 防禦, 防衛, 集会の自由, 離別, 離婚, 離縁, 非分, 非行, 顧客, 養子縁組, 養子縁組み, 高等裁判所, 黙認, abatement of a nuisance, accretion, acquittal, acquittance, act, action, action at law, actual damages, actual eviction, actual possession, adjective, administrative hearing, administrative law, admiralty law, adoption, advice and consent, advocate, advowson, affidavit, affirmation, affirmative pleading, aggrieve, alibi, alienable, alienation, allegation, alterable, alternative pleading, amicus curiae, amicus curiae brief, amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, ancestral, annulment, answer, anti-drug law, anti-racketeering law, antitrust case, antitrust law, antitrust legislation, appeal, appellant, appellate, appointment, appropriation bill, arbitration, arrest warrant, assignee, assignment, assignment, assignor, assize, assumed name, attachment, attest, attestant, attestation, attestator, attestor, attorn, attorney, attorney general, attorney-client relation, authorisation, authorization, award, awarding, bail, bail out, bakke decision, bank-depositor relation, bankruptcy, bar, bar, barratry, barrister, bastardy proceeding, bear witness, bear witness, bench, bench warrant, bequest, bigamy, bill, bill of attainder, bill of particulars, bill of rights, bill of sale, bind over, bja, blue law, blue ribbon jury, blue sky law, bottle bill, brief, building code, bureau of justice assistance, cachet, capacitate, case, case law, causa, cause, cause of action, caveat, cease and desist order, certiorari, challenge, champerty, chance-medley, charge, chief justice, circuit, circuit court of appeals, circumstantial evidence, citation, citation, citizenship, civil contempt, civil death, civil law, civil liberty, civil right, civil suit, civil union, civil wrong, class action, class-action suit, client, codicil, cognovit judgement, cognovit judgment, color of law, colour of law, combination in restraint of trade, commercial law, common law, common-law marriage, commutation, commutation, comparative negligence, compensatory damages, competence hearing, complainant, compromise verdict, conclusion of law, concurrent negligence, concurring opinion, condemn, condemnation, confession of judgement, confession of judgment, confidential adviser-advisee relation, connivance, consensual, consent decree, conservative judaism, conservator-ward relation, constitution, constitution, constitution of the united states, constructive eviction, constructive possession, contempt, contempt of congress, contempt of court, contractor, contributory negligence, contumacy, convey, conveyance, conveyancer, convict, copy, corpus delicti, corroborating evidence, counsel, counsellor, counselor, counselor-at-law, counterclaim, counterclaim, counterplea, countersuit, court, court order, courthouse, courtroom, covert, criminal contempt, criminal law, criminal maintenance, criminal negligence, criminal possession, criminal prosecution, criminal suit, cross-examination, culpable negligence, curfew, custody battle, custody case, dba, death warrant, debarment, debenture, declaration, decree, decree nisi, deed, deed of conveyance, deed of trust, deed poll, default judgement, default judgment, defective pleading, defence, defendant, defense, defense attorney, defense lawyer, delinquency, demur, demur, demurral, demurrer, demurrer, demurrer, denial, department of justice, deposition, derivative, derivative instrument, derogation, devise, dictum, dilatory plea, diplomatic immunity, direct evidence, direct examination, directed verdict, director-stockholder relation, disbarment, disclaimer, discovery, dismissal, dispossession, dissent, dissenting opinion, dissolution of marriage, divestiture, divorce, divorce lawyer, divorcement, dock, docket, docket, docket, doing business as, doj, domicile, doom, double jeopardy, drug war, due process, due process of law, easement, edict, effect, eighteenth amendment, electoral system, eminent domain, enabling act, enabling clause, enabling legislation, enactment, enactment, enfeoffment, enfranchisement, enjoining, enjoinment, enjoyment, entitlement, entrapment, equal opportunity, equal protection of the laws, escheat, essential, estate for life, evasive answer, eviction, eviction, evidence, evidence, evidentiary, execution, execution, execution of instrument, executor-heir relation, exemplary damages, extenuate, fair hearing, false imprisonment, false pretence, false pretense, false verdict, farm bill, fbi, federal bureau of investigation, federal job safety law, fiat, fictitious name, fiduciary relation, fieri facias, fifth amendment, file, filer, filiate, filibuster, final decision, final injunction, final judgment, finding, finding of fact, finding of law, fire code, first amendment, force, fourteenth amendment, franchise, free pardon, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom from discrimination, freedom from double jeopardy, freedom from involuntary servitude, freedom from search and seizure, freedom from self-incrimination, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to bear arms, friend of the court, fundamental law, fungible, gag law, gag order, game law, gaol, garnishment, general damages, general verdict, get off, give, grand jury, grant, habeas corpus, habeas corpus, health code, hearing, hearsay evidence, heirloom, hereditary, heritage, high court, homestead law, human right, hung jury, immure, impounding, impoundment, imprison, imprisonment, incarcerate, incompetent, indirect evidence, infection, inheritance, injunction, instrument, interdict, interdiction, interest, interlocutory injunction, international law, internment, intervenor, intervention, intestate, intra vires, invalidation, jactitation, jail, jane doe, john doe, joint resolution, jointure, judge advocate general, judgement, judgement, judgement by default, judgement in personam, judgement in rem, judgement of dismissal, judgement on the merits, judgement on the pleadings, judgment, judgment, judgment by default, judgment in personam, judgment in rem, judgment of dismissal, judgment on the merits, judgment on the pleadings, judicial admission, judicial branch, judicial decision, judicial doctrine, judicial principle, judicial proceeding, judicial review, judicial separation, judicial writ, jug, jurisdiction, jurist, jury system, jus sanguinis, jus soli, justice, justice department, justice of the peace, juvenile delinquency, kidnapping, lag, law, law, law enforcement, law firm, law merchant, law of nations, law of the land, law practice, lawgiver, lawmaker, lawmaking, lawsuit, lawyer, lawyer-client relation, legacy, legal action, legal assistant, legal brief, legal code, legal community, legal document, legal duty, legal expert, legal fee, legal guardian, legal instrument, legal jointure, legal opinion, legal ouster, legal power, legal principle, legal proceeding, legal profession, legal relation, legal representation, legal representative, legal residence, legal separation, legal separation, legal status, legal system, legalisation, legalization, legislating, legislation, legislation, legislative act, legislator, legitimation, legitimation, letters of administration, letters patent, letters testamentary, lettre de cachet, libel, libel, licence, license, life estate, limitation, liquidator, lis pendens, litigant, litigation, litigator, living will, maintenance, major, majority opinion, malice aforethought, mandamus, mandate, mandatory injunction, manifest, marine law, marital status, maritime law, marriage, martial law, matrimony, matter of law, measure, mens rea, mercantile law, messuage, military court, military law, minor, mistrial, mitigate, mitigating circumstance, monition, moot, moot, moot court, mortgage deed, muniments, murder conviction, naturalisation, naturalization, neglect of duty, negotiable instrument, next friend, night court, nineteenth amendment, nominal damages, non pros, non prosequitur, nonaged, notary, notary public, notification, novation, nuisance, nuisance abatement, null, obiter dictum, objection, obstruction of justice, occupational safety and health act, official document, opinion, opinion, order, ordinance, ordinary, organic law, ouster, owner, palliate, panel, paralegal, pardon, pardon, pardon, parole, partner relation, party, passage, passport, patent, patent right, patent system, paternity suit, patrimonial, penal code, permanent injunction, permissive waste, permit, personal judgement, personal judgment, petit jury, petty jury, plaintiff, plea, plea, plea bargain, plea bargaining, plea-bargain, plead, plead, pleader, pleading, pleading in the alternative, police court, poor law, poundage, power of attorney, practice of law, pre-emption, precedent, preemption, prefer, premeditation, presentment, presumption, pretrial, pretrial conference, prevailing party, principle, privilege, privilege against self incrimination, probable cause, probate, probate, probate court, probate will, probation, procedural, proceeding, proceedings, process, process of monition, production, prohibition, promulgator, proprietor, prosecuting attorney, prosecuting officer, prosecution, prosecutor, prove, prove, provost court, public defender, public law, public prosecutor, punitive damages, put away, put behind bars, quarter sessions, question of law, quitclaim, quitclaim deed, quo warranto, quotient verdict, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act, rape conviction, rationale, re-examine, re-sentencing, rebuttal, rebutter, receiver, receiver-creditor relation, receivership, recission, recognisance, recognizance, reconvict, record, recusal, recusation, recusation, recuse, recuse, redirect examination, reexamination, referee, register, rejoinder, relation, relation back, release, relief, remand, remission, remit, remitment, render, replication, reprieve, reprieve, republish, res gestae, rescission, rescript, residuary, resisting arrest, respite, retaliatory eviction, retrial, reversal, reversion, reversionary, reversioner, revertible, review, richard roe, rico, rico act, right of election, right of entry, right of offset, right of privacy, right of re-entry, right to an attorney, right to confront accusors, right to due process, right to speedy and public trial by jury, right to vote, riot act, robbery conviction, rule of evidence, rule of law, ruling, rundown, sanitary code, satisfaction, scienter, scire facias, scopes trial, search warrant, secret approval, securities law, sedition, sentence, separation, sequestration, sex crime, sex offense, sexual abuse, sexual assault, ship's papers, show, sidebar, smart money, snatch, solicitor, special act, special jury, special pleading, special verdict, specification, spoliation, spousal relationship, stake, state supreme court, state's evidence, statute, statute book, statute law, statute of limitations, statutory law, stay, stay of execution, stipulation, stultify, submission, submit, subornation, subornation of perjury, subpoena, subpoena ad testificandum, subpoena duces tecum, subrogation, substantive, suffrage, suit, summary judgement, summary judgment, summation, summing up, summons, superior court, supreme court, supreme court, supreme court of the united states, surrebuttal, surrebutter, surrejoinder, suspect, tacit consent, take exception, take the stand, tax law, tax system, temporary injunction, test case, test suit, testament, testate, testify, testify, testimony, therefor, ticket, title, title deed, tort, trade bill, traffic court, transcript, transferee, transferor, transmissible, trial, trial attorney, trial court, trial judge, trial lawyer, trier, trust busting, trust deed, trustee, trustee-beneficiary relation, u. s. code, u.s. constitution, ultra vires, unalterable, underage, undue, union, united states code, united states constitution, united states supreme court, unqualified, us constitution, use, usufruct, ux., uxor, venire, venire facias, venter, verdict, verification, verify, vested interest, vexatious litigation, visitation right, void, vote, voting system, vouchee, warrant, waste, wedlock, will, witness, witness, writ, writ of certiorari, writ of detinue, writ of election, writ of error, writ of execution, writ of habeas corpus, writ of mandamus, writ of prohibition, writ of right, written agreement

    Synonym(s): ルール, ルール, ルール, レギュレーション, レギュレーション, ロー, 会則, 会則, 典則, 典則, 原則, 国法, 定まり, 定め, 定め, 定め事, 定め事, 定事, 定則, 定規, 定規, , 律令, 律令, 律格, 律格, 成文法, 戒律, , , 方則, 方則, 本則, 条令, 条令, 条例, 条例, , 正規, 正規, 正規, 決まり, 決まり, 決まり, 決め, 決り, 決り, , , , , , 法例, 法例, 法典, 法制, 法則, 法則, 法則, 法度, 法度, 法度, 法度, 法式, 法律, 法律, 法律, 法条, 法条, 法条, 法条, 法規, 清規, 清規, 準則, 準則, 準則, 準縄, 王法, 矩則, 科条, 科条, 紀律, 約束, 縄墨, 置き目, 置き目, 置目, 置目, 規制, 規制, 規則, 規則, 規則, 規定, 規定, 規定, 規律, 規律, 規格, 規格, 規準, 規準, 規準, 規矩, 規矩, 規程, 規程, jurisprudence, law, law, legislative act, ordinance, prescript, regulation, regulation, rule, rule, statute

    Domain (Category): ロー, ロー, 国法, 国法, 律令, 律令, , , 法典, 法典, 法制, 法制, 法律, 法律, 法条, 法条, 王法, 王法, 科条, 科条, 置き目, 置き目, 置目, 置目, jurisprudence, jurisprudence, law, law

    Holonym(s) (Part): ルールブック, ロー, 国法, 律令, , 法典, 法制, 法律, 法条, 王法, 科条, 置き目, 置目, book, jurisprudence, law, rule book

    Meronym(s) (Part): 付加条項, 条例, , 法度, 法律, 法条, 法規, 科条, law, rider

    Hypernym(s): インストラクション, コレクション, コンセプション, コンセプト, ルール, 公文, 公文書, 典則, 収集物, 固まり, 定め, 定め事, 定事, 律格, 指し図, 指図, 指示, , 方則, 条例, 概念, 概念作用, 概念構成, 正規, 決まり, 決め, 決り, , 法例, 法則, 法度, 法条, 法的文書, 準則, 準縄, 紀律, 約束, 縄墨, 置き目, 置目, , 蓄積, 規則, 規定, 規律, 規準, 規矩, 観念, 集まり, 集合体, 集合物, 集団, 集積物, accumulation, act, aggregation, assemblage, collection, concept, conception, construct, direction, enactment, instruction, instrument, legal document, legal instrument, official document, prescript, rule

    Hyponym: FISA, おり屈み, イスラム法, イスラム聖法, インタナショナルロー, インターナショナルロー, エチケット, ガイドライン, コンスティチューション, シャリア, シャリヤ, シャリーア, スピードリミット, プリンシプル, プロトコル, プロトコール, リミテーション, ルール, レギュレーション, 万国公法, 主義, 会則, 作法, 信条, 儀礼, 全権委任法, 公法, 典礼, 出訴期限法, 制約, 制限, 制限事項, 制限速度, 印紙法, 命令, 商慣習法, 商法, 国内法, 国法, 国際法, 基本法, 定則, 定規, 定限, 慣習法, 憲法, 憲法, 憲章, 戒厳令, 折りかがみ, 折り屈み, 折屈, 折屈み, 指図, 指針, 掣肘, 救貧法, 教会法, 普通法, 朝憲, 本法, 条令, 条例, 正規, 決まり, , , 法則, 法度, 清規, 準則, 狩猟法, 独占禁止法, , 礼儀, 礼儀作法, 礼典, 礼式, 礼法, 礼節, 礼義, 禁酒法, 租税法, 立法府, 行儀作法, 行動指針, 行政法, 行義作法, 規制, 規則, 規定, 規格, 規準, 規程, 議院法, 軍律, 軍法, 通信プロトコル, 限定, 限度, 限界, administrative law, age limit, anti-drug law, anti-racketeering law, antitrust law, antitrust legislation, assize, blue law, blue sky law, bylaw, canon, canon law, case law, civil law, commercial law, common law, communications protocol, constitution, cy pres, cy pres doctrine, dictate, ecclesiastical law, enabling act, enabling clause, etiquette, fair-trade act, fisa, foreign intelligence surveillance act, fundamental law, gag law, game law, gigo, golden rule, guideline, guidepost, homestead law, international law, islamic law, law merchant, law of moses, law of nations, law of the land, limitation, martial law, mercantile law, military law, miranda rule, mosaic law, order, ordinance, ordinance, organic law, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, poor law, precedent, precept, principle, prohibition, protocol, public law, racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act, regulation, restriction, rico, rico act, riot act, rubric, rule of cy pres, rule of evidence, rule of thumb, rules of order, securities law, sharia, sharia law, shariah, shariah law, special act, speed limit, stamp act, statute of limitations, statutory law, tax law, working principle, working rule




"法令." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 10 May 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/jsynonym/%E6%B3%95%E4%BB%A4>.

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A Capacious
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C Commodious
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