What is another word for WILD?

Synonyms for WILD

This thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word WILD.

Wiktionary0.0 / 0 votes

  1. wildadjective


English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. wild

    That is absurd which is contrary to the first principles of reasoning; as, that a part should be greater than the whole is absurd. A paradoxical statement appears at first thought contradictory or absurd, while it may be really true. Anything is irrational when clearly contrary to sound reason, foolish when contrary to practical good sense, silly when petty and contemptible in its folly, erroneous when containing error that vitiates the result, unreasonable when there seems a perverse bias or an intent to go wrong. Monstrous and preposterous refer to what is overwhelmingly absurd; as, "O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two," Shakespeare 1 King Henry IV, act ii, sc. 4. The ridiculous or the nonsensical is worthy only to be laughed at. The lunatic's claim to be a king is ridiculous; the Mother Goose rimes are nonsensical. Compare INCONGRUOUS.

    absurd, anomalous, chimerical, erroneous, false, foolish, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-judged, inconclusive, incorrect, infatuated, irrational, ludicrous, mistaken, monstrous, nonsensical, paradoxical, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, stupid, unreasonable

    certain, consistent, demonstrable, demonstrated, established, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, infallible, logical, rational, reasonable, sagacious, sensible, sound, substantial, true, undeniable, unquestionable, wise

Princeton's WordNet2.5 / 2 votes

  1. wild, natural state, state of naturenoun

    a wild primitive state untouched by civilization

    "he lived in the wild"; "they collected mushrooms in the wild"

    wild, natural state, wilderness, state of nature

    tamed, domestic, docile, broken, domesticated, sane, gentle, subdued, supported, civilized, passionless, civilised, tame, mild, cultivated, broken in, safe, realistic, calm, unenthusiastic, hospitable, controlled

  2. wilderness, wildadjective

    a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition

    "it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers"

    state of nature, natural state, wilderness, wild

    calm, sane, domesticated, broken, hospitable, civilised, mild, civilized, tamed, controlled, gentle, tame, domestic, realistic, docile, unenthusiastic, broken in, supported, safe, passionless, cultivated, subdued

  3. wildadjective

    marked by extreme lack of restraint or control

    "wild talk"; "wild parties"

    furious, waste, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    subdued, supported, tamed, passionless, cultivated, civilised, gentle, broken, civilized, tame, calm, controlled, domesticated, hospitable, realistic, mild, docile, unenthusiastic, broken in, domestic, sane, safe

  4. wild, untamedadjective

    in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated

    "wild geese"; "edible wild plants"

    furious, waste, wild, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    hospitable, subdued, tame, supported, safe, unenthusiastic, mild, civilized, controlled, domesticated, domestic, calm, realistic, cultivated, broken in, broken, sane, civilised, gentle, passionless, docile, tamed

  5. wildadjective

    in a state of extreme emotion

    "wild with anger"; "wild with grief"

    furious, waste, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    tame, passionless, broken in, tamed, sane, mild, civilized, broken, docile, controlled, realistic, calm, supported, domestic, hospitable, domesticated, civilised, safe, unenthusiastic, cultivated, gentle, subdued

  6. wildadjective

    deviating widely from an intended course

    "a wild bullet"; "he threw a wild pitch"

    furious, waste, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    calm, supported, tamed, broken in, domesticated, subdued, controlled, domestic, passionless, gentle, realistic, tame, safe, cultivated, sane, civilized, hospitable, unenthusiastic, broken, civilised, mild, docile

  7. violent, wildadjective

    (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud

    "a violent clash of colors"; "her dress was a violent red"; "a violent noise"; "wild colors"; "wild shouts"

    unfounded, trigger-happy, dotty, uncivilised, savage, red, angry, crimson, barbarian, tempestuous, furious, risky, violent, idle, fierce, waste, hazardous, vehement, fantastic, raving mad, raging, groundless, tearing, barbaric, gaga, crazy, godforsaken, untamed, baseless, uncivilized, wild, unwarranted

    supported, gentle, cultivated, domesticated, tamed, mild, safe, domestic, docile, controlled, sane, tame, unenthusiastic, broken in, calm, civilized, passionless, realistic, hospitable, civilised, broken, subdued

  8. baseless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted, wildadjective

    without a basis in reason or fact

    "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy"

    insupportable, jobless, gaga, raging, violent, untamed, unfounded, unwarrantable, dead, out of work, hazardous, tempestuous, undue, indefensible, godforsaken, dotty, unjustified, uncivilised, uncivilized, waste, baseless, risky, angry, idle, wild, savage, fantastic, barbarian, unjustifiable, crazy, raving mad, unused, groundless, barbaric, furious, light, unwarranted, loose

    mild, broken, cultivated, domesticated, civilised, hospitable, subdued, passionless, controlled, supported, broken in, sane, tamed, safe, civilized, docile, unenthusiastic, tame, gentle, domestic, realistic, calm

  9. raving mad, wildadjective

    talking or behaving irrationally

    "a raving lunatic"

    furious, waste, wild, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    docile, realistic, controlled, domestic, supported, cultivated, passionless, mild, tame, safe, calm, civilised, broken in, hospitable, gentle, domesticated, civilized, broken, unenthusiastic, tamed, subdued, sane

  10. hazardous, risky, wildadjective

    involving risk or danger

    "skydiving is a hazardous sport"; "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a wild financial scheme"

    furious, waste, wild, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, bad, speculative, baseless, violent, untamed, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, raving mad, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, high-risk, tempestuous, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    tamed, tame, passionless, cultivated, docile, domestic, broken, mild, safe, controlled, broken in, sane, hospitable, supported, calm, unenthusiastic, subdued, realistic, civilized, civilised, gentle, domesticated

  11. fantastic, wildadjective

    fanciful and unrealistic; foolish

    "a fantastic idea of his own importance"

    raging, marvelous, gaga, rattling(a), violent, untamed, unfounded, wondrous, wonderful, grand, marvellous, tremendous, godforsaken, dotty, hazardous, uncivilised, uncivilized, waste, baseless, risky, angry, fantastical, idle, wild, groundless, grotesque, savage, fantastic, antic, terrific, crazy, raving mad, howling(a), barbarian, barbaric, furious, unwarranted, tempestuous

    subdued, tame, civilised, broken in, civilized, unenthusiastic, realistic, controlled, hospitable, sane, tamed, calm, domestic, domesticated, mild, cultivated, supported, docile, gentle, safe, broken, passionless

  12. godforsaken, waste, wildadjective

    located in a dismal or remote area; desolate

    "a desert island"; "a godforsaken wilderness crossroads"; "a wild stretch of land"; "waste places"

    furious, waste, wild, dotty, savage, risky, barbarian, tempestuous, raving mad, violent, idle, hazardous, uncivilised, fantastic, untamed, raging, groundless, angry, barbaric, crazy, godforsaken, unfounded, baseless, uncivilized, gaga, unwarranted

    realistic, sane, calm, civilized, docile, broken in, domestic, tamed, tame, civilised, safe, subdued, mild, supported, cultivated, gentle, hospitable, domesticated, passionless, controlled, broken, unenthusiastic

  13. crazy, wild, dotty, gagaadjective

    intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with

    "crazy about cars and racing"; "he is potty about her"

    raging, round the bend, gaga, senile, nutty, buggy, doddering, brainsick, crackers, dotty, untamed, sick, unfounded, doddery, wacky, kooky, daft, bats, hazardous, unbalanced, nuts, unhinged, kookie, fruity, disturbed, softheaded, bonkers, godforsaken, uncivilised, cracked, haywire, uncivilized, half-baked, waste, baseless, risky, angry, idle, mad, wild, barbarian, savage, fantastic, demented, screwball, loopy, violent, crazy, loco, raving mad, batty, loony, barmy, groundless, barbaric, around the bend, furious, balmy, unwarranted, tempestuous, whacky

    hospitable, broken in, supported, tame, broken, cultivated, passionless, docile, civilized, domesticated, safe, tamed, subdued, realistic, gentle, unenthusiastic, sane, calm, controlled, mild, domestic, civilised

  14. barbarian, barbaric, savage, uncivilized, uncivilised, wildadjective

    without civilizing influences

    "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes"

    raging, brutal, gaga, violent, dotty, untamed, unfounded, ferocious, fierce, cruel, tempestuous, fell, roughshod, ferine, godforsaken, uncivilised, hazardous, uncivilized, waste, baseless, risky, angry, idle, wild, savage, fantastic, groundless, feral, vicious, crazy, raving mad, barbarian, barbaric, furious, unwarranted, barbarous

    gentle, broken, sane, calm, civilized, docile, supported, unenthusiastic, tame, safe, passionless, tamed, realistic, broken in, civilised, controlled, mild, hospitable, domesticated, domestic, subdued, cultivated

  15. angry, furious, raging, tempestuous, wildadverb

    (of the elements) as if showing violent anger

    "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea"

    raging, stormy, hot, maddened, wild, gaga, enraged, violent, untamed, unfounded, ferocious, fierce, hazardous, tempestuous, godforsaken, dotty, angered, uncivilised, uncivilized, waste, baseless, risky, angry, idle, infuriated, savage, fantastic, groundless, crazy, raving mad, barbarian, barbaric, furious, unwarranted

    gentle, realistic, docile, civilised, subdued, safe, domesticated, cultivated, tamed, domestic, tame, sane, supported, civilized, hospitable, passionless, mild, unenthusiastic, broken in, calm, controlled, broken

  16. rampantly, wildadverb

    in an uncontrolled and rampant manner

    "weeds grew rampantly around here"

    rampantly, wild

    hospitable, mild, controlled, realistic, gentle, calm, tamed, docile, passionless, broken, tame, subdued, civilized, unenthusiastic, domestic, broken in, cultivated, supported, safe, domesticated, civilised, sane

  17. wildadverb

    in a wild or undomesticated manner

    "growing wild"; "roaming wild"


    tame, domestic, gentle, subdued, passionless, realistic, cultivated, mild, docile, tamed, unenthusiastic, calm, broken in, controlled, domesticated, safe, sane, civilized, hospitable, supported, civilised, broken

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. undomestic

    Submitted by anonymous on April 2, 2020  

Dictionary of English Synonymes1.0 / 1 vote

  1. wildadjective

    undomesticated, not tame

  2. wildadjective

    uncultivated, native

  3. wildadjective

    uncivilized, savage, rude, ferocious, barbarous, unrefined

  4. wildadjective

    impetuous, turbulent, irregular, violent, ungoverned, unrestrained, disorderly, furious, frantic, frenzied, outrageous, giddy, reckless, hare-brained, HARUM-SCARUM

  5. wildadjective

    fanciful, imaginary, extravagant, visionary, crazy, grotesque, strange, BIZARRE

  6. wildnoun

    desert, WILDERNESS

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  1. wild

    Song lyrics by wild -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by wild on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. WILD

    What does WILD stand for? -- Explore the various meanings for the WILD acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

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How to use WILD in a sentence?

  1. Zach McKinstry:

    I was closing my eyes on contact, which is wild to think, i saw that in San Diego, started working on it, making sure my eyes are open. It helped. Started seeing ball a little longer out of the pitcher’s hand.

  2. Gez Robinson:

    We just let the top half of the garden go wild and installed log piles, i worked all through the lockdown but spent lots of time in our garden. I came across these two mouse families at either ends of the garden. One group lives under some old decking, and the other lives in a little mossy hill near an old shed.

  3. Edwin Wiek:

    It’s important to understand that elephants, unlike horses, are not bred to be ridden. They are not domesticated animals and are taken from the wild and kept in awful conditions.

  4. Paris Smith:

    In him, I felt the energy of a father - a man to hug, to laugh with, to share in mischievous jokes and wild imagination, he was the perfect friend and support for me as a little girl.

  5. Farris Wilks:

    America has always been a land of opportunity. Its the one place on earth where you can go from building brick walls in the Texas heat to the kind of success my brother and I have achieved, ted Cruz believes in the opportunity society, he believes in the dignity of hard work, and hes not afraid to fight for what he believes in. The Wilkses are not the only billionaires backing Cruz. Reclusive hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer gave $11 million; Texas energy investor Toby Neugebauer gave $10 million. Mercer has declined to comment on why he is supporting Cruz, while Neugebauer backs Cruz for his track record promoting conservative causes and opposing the federal debt. Despite the large donations, Cruz is not among the leaders of the Republican race. A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Sept. 8 showed him in fourth place among Republican voters at 5.5 percent, tied with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. . PRAYING FOR CRUZ. The day after President Barack Obama won a second term, I was pretty bummed out, Farris Wilks told congregants in a sermon on Nov. 7, 2012, a recording of which was provided by Peter Montgomery, a senior fellow with the equal rights group People for the American Way. I do believe that our country died that Tuesday night, Wilks said. Less than a year later, Farris found himself in the ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa, where Cruz stood with head bowed in a prayer circle, surrounded by evangelical Christians. Cruz was among the political headliners at a Pastors and Pews conference, an annual, closed-door affair that now occurs in roughly 14 states and is organized by Christian nationalist David Lane. The born-again Lane, a self-described former wild man of drugs, wine, women and song, believes the Bible should be the primary textbook in public schools and that judges who favor same-sex marriage should be impeached. He says people who embrace homosexual marriage, along with pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media, are creating Americas downfall with their multiracial false gods. One of Lanes major aims is to motivate at least 1,000 pastors to run for office in 2016. Polling shows there are 65 million to 80 million evangelical Christians but only a quarter of them vote. Getting 5 percent more registered and voting would, according to Lane, put a conservative in the White House. Asked about the Wilks brothers' financial support for Cruz, Lane said in an interview:.

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