What are some opposite words for right?

Antonyms for right

This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term right.

English Synonyms and Antonyms1.0 / 2 votes

  1. rightnoun

    A right is that which one may properly demand upon considerations of justice, morality, equity, or of natural or positive law. A right may be either general or special, natural or artificial. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are the natural and inalienable rights of all men; rights of property, inheritance, etc., are individual and special, and often artificial, as the right of inheritance by primogeniture. A privilege is always special, exceptional, and artificial; it is something not enjoyed by all, or only to be enjoyed on certain special conditions, a peculiar benefit, favor, advantage, etc. A privilege may be of doing or avoiding; in the latter case it is an exemption or immunity; as, a privilege of hunting or fishing; exemption from military service; immunity from arrest. A franchise is a specific right or privilege granted by the government or established as such by governmental authority; as, the elective franchise; a railroad franchise. A prerogative is an official right or privilege, especially one inherent in the royal or sovereign power; in a wider sense it is an exclusive and peculiar privilege which one possesses by reason of being what he is; as, reason is the prerogative of man; kings and nobles have often claimed prerogatives and privileges opposed to the inherent rights of the people. Compare DUTY; JUSTICE.

    claim, exemption, franchise, immunity, liberty, license, prerogative, privilege

Princeton's WordNet1.7 / 21 votes

  1. rightnoun

    an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature

    "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"; "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people"- Eleanor Roosevelt; "a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away"

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, two-handed, left-hand(a), leftmost, unsatisfactory, base, near(a), centrist, left-of-center, vicious, incorrect, immoral, larboard, parallel, center, erroneous, leftish, left-handed, liberal, nigh(a), condemnable, improper, inaccurate, deplorable, criminal, misguided, inopportune, far left, fallacious, mistaken, false, inside, reprehensible, wrongheaded, inappropriate, leftist, left-wing, oblique, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, port, incorrectly, wrongly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  2. rightnoun

    location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east

    "he stood on the right"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, port, oblique, middle-of-the-road, improper, left-of-center, condemnable, false, reprehensible, erroneous, base, mistaken, criminal, far left, leftish, centrist, vicious, misguided, left-hand(a), larboard, center, left-handed, inside, leftmost, ambidextrous, inappropriate, inaccurate, near(a), two-handed, deplorable, inopportune, left-wing, parallel, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, immoral, leftist, fallacious, incorrect, incorrectly, wrongly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  3. right field, rightfield, rightnoun

    the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, base, ambidextrous, larboard, far left, leftist, improper, reprehensible, condemnable, two-handed, erroneous, fallacious, inappropriate, near(a), wrongheaded, false, inside, criminal, left-of-center, parallel, center, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, port, deplorable, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), vicious, leftish, immoral, incorrect, misguided, oblique, unsatisfactory, centrist, inaccurate, leftmost, liberal, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  4. right, right wingnoun

    those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, false, immoral, left-hand(a), ambidextrous, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, criminal, centrist, base, misguided, mistaken, improper, inappropriate, inopportune, liberal, port, unsatisfactory, erroneous, condemnable, wrongheaded, center, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, inaccurate, incorrect, oblique, leftmost, far left, left-handed, reprehensible, inside, middle-of-the-road, vicious, leftish, leftist, nigh(a), parallel, left-of-center, wrongly, incorrectly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  5. right, right handnoun

    the hand that is on the right side of the body

    "he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left"; "hit him with quick rights to the body"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, leftist, nigh(a), wrongheaded, false, leftish, port, larboard, deplorable, criminal, liberal, fallacious, inside, center, incorrect, condemnable, leftmost, left-wing, oblique, left-of-center, base, erroneous, left-handed, improper, immoral, vicious, inaccurate, two-handed, near(a), inopportune, parallel, ambidextrous, mistaken, misguided, left-hand(a), unsatisfactory, far left, centrist, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  6. rightnoun

    a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east

    "take a right at the corner"

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, deplorable, erroneous, mistaken, leftmost, left-wing, liberal, base, vicious, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, improper, oblique, condemnable, nigh(a), two-handed, center, left-handed, centrist, immoral, parallel, fallacious, leftish, leftist, false, incorrect, left-of-center, left-hand(a), far left, port, inappropriate, wrongheaded, larboard, inside, inopportune, criminal, near(a), misguided, unsatisfactory, inaccurate, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  7. right, rightfulnessnoun

    anything in accord with principles of justice

    "he feels he is in the right"; "the rightfulness of his claim"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, leftish, criminal, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, nigh(a), centrist, ambidextrous, base, left-of-center, near(a), two-handed, port, left-wing, left-handed, parallel, vicious, incorrect, inaccurate, wrongheaded, liberal, mistaken, inopportune, false, larboard, improper, immoral, inside, leftmost, left-hand(a), condemnable, leftist, inappropriate, far left, oblique, reprehensible, unsatisfactory, misguided, deplorable, erroneous, incorrectly, wrongly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  8. rightadjective

    (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing

    "mineral rights"; "film rights"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-hand(a), nigh(a), left-handed, liberal, left-of-center, ambidextrous, leftmost, larboard, inaccurate, reprehensible, leftish, immoral, base, erroneous, criminal, mistaken, near(a), deplorable, unsatisfactory, two-handed, improper, port, wrongheaded, inside, parallel, oblique, far left, incorrect, left-wing, inappropriate, vicious, leftist, center, false, fallacious, condemnable, misguided, centrist, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, wrongly, incorrectly

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

  9. rightadjective

    being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north

    "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, left-handed, condemnable, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, improper, erroneous, false, left-wing, criminal, two-handed, misguided, left-of-center, port, wrongheaded, leftist, nigh(a), center, deplorable, fallacious, left-hand(a), centrist, incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, larboard, near(a), oblique, inaccurate, reprehensible, inopportune, mistaken, liberal, unsatisfactory, base, vicious, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, wrongly, incorrectly

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

  10. correct, rightadjective

    free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

    "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, inappropriate, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, liberal, nigh(a), parallel, unsatisfactory, erroneous, left-wing, middle-of-the-road, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, center, reprehensible, false, fallacious, two-handed, vicious, left-hand(a), port, left-of-center, mistaken, condemnable, inaccurate, near(a), improper, criminal, larboard, centrist, left-handed, inside, incorrect, leftist, inopportune, base, oblique, immoral, wrongly, incorrectly

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  11. correct, rightadjective

    socially right or correct

    "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, center, reprehensible, base, condemnable, inopportune, fallacious, improper, port, mistaken, deplorable, centrist, near(a), leftist, larboard, left-wing, inaccurate, liberal, two-handed, left-of-center, left-hand(a), leftish, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, erroneous, incorrect, vicious, inappropriate, nigh(a), left-handed, oblique, far left, false, unsatisfactory, misguided, leftmost, immoral, criminal, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  12. rightadjective

    in conformance with justice or law or morality

    "do the right thing and confess"

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, false, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, left-handed, left-wing, improper, leftish, base, left-of-center, center, inappropriate, deplorable, nigh(a), immoral, oblique, parallel, two-handed, vicious, condemnable, reprehensible, larboard, erroneous, port, left-hand(a), leftist, inside, fallacious, centrist, near(a), inopportune, criminal, wrongheaded, unsatisfactory, far left, mistaken, inaccurate, ambidextrous, liberal, leftmost, misguided, wrongly, incorrectly

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

  13. right, correctadjective

    correct in opinion or judgment

    "time proved him right"

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, unsatisfactory, two-handed, mistaken, base, wrongheaded, liberal, leftmost, inappropriate, reprehensible, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, misguided, false, vicious, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, leftish, larboard, far left, improper, oblique, deplorable, centrist, center, nigh(a), leftist, immoral, inaccurate, erroneous, criminal, port, condemnable, left-of-center, inside, incorrect, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  14. proper, rightadjective

    appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs

    "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, near(a), centrist, leftist, wrongheaded, inside, fallacious, improper, left-of-center, incorrect, inopportune, far left, left-handed, inappropriate, oblique, mistaken, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, unsatisfactory, two-handed, liberal, deplorable, left-hand(a), leftmost, false, erroneous, base, leftish, reprehensible, immoral, parallel, larboard, left-wing, center, port, misguided, criminal, nigh(a), condemnable, ambidextrous, incorrectly, wrongly

    right(a), proper(a), proper, good, proper(ip), veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  15. rightadjective

    of or belonging to the political or intellectual right

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, ambidextrous, vicious, liberal, port, base, deplorable, false, two-handed, condemnable, improper, leftmost, wrongheaded, parallel, mistaken, centrist, leftist, reprehensible, immoral, unsatisfactory, criminal, larboard, far left, inside, nigh(a), leftish, left-of-center, inopportune, fallacious, left-hand(a), inaccurate, misguided, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, near(a), erroneous, left-handed, center, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

  16. rightadjective

    in or into a satisfactory condition

    "things are right again now"; "put things right"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, wrongheaded, deplorable, two-handed, leftish, base, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, near(a), leftmost, incorrect, left-of-center, center, leftist, fallacious, improper, parallel, criminal, centrist, condemnable, inside, ambidextrous, erroneous, reprehensible, inappropriate, inaccurate, left-handed, misguided, far left, left-hand(a), false, unsatisfactory, vicious, port, oblique, liberal, middle-of-the-road, inopportune, larboard, immoral, incorrectly, wrongly

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

  17. right(a), right-hand(a)adjective

    intended for the right hand

    "a right-hand glove"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, false, incorrect, improper, fallacious, liberal, inopportune, left-hand(a), two-handed, oblique, inaccurate, port, leftmost, near(a), leftist, left-handed, mistaken, inappropriate, leftish, center, left-wing, ambidextrous, base, centrist, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), deplorable, vicious, wrongheaded, left-of-center, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, far left, criminal, reprehensible, misguided, larboard, immoral, inside, erroneous, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  18. correct, rightadjective

    in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure

    "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, oblique, middle-of-the-road, left-hand(a), improper, unsatisfactory, near(a), left-wing, two-handed, port, base, incorrect, criminal, leftist, left-of-center, centrist, inaccurate, deplorable, fallacious, false, inappropriate, leftish, ambidextrous, left-handed, mistaken, erroneous, nigh(a), wrongheaded, parallel, condemnable, vicious, immoral, reprehensible, leftmost, far left, inopportune, liberal, center, inside, larboard, incorrectly, wrongly

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  19. rightadjective

    having the axis perpendicular to the base

    "a right angle"

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, immoral, improper, misguided, leftish, far left, inappropriate, two-handed, larboard, near(a), vicious, condemnable, erroneous, base, inaccurate, left-hand(a), leftmost, inopportune, parallel, reprehensible, nigh(a), center, leftist, fallacious, mistaken, centrist, deplorable, inside, left-of-center, false, criminal, oblique, unsatisfactory, incorrect, left-handed, wrongheaded, liberal, ambidextrous, port, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

  20. right(a)adjective

    (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward

    "the right side of the cloth showed the pattern"; "be sure your shirt is right side out"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, leftish, parallel, unsatisfactory, two-handed, left-hand(a), inside, liberal, leftmost, base, improper, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, inaccurate, left-wing, near(a), vicious, incorrect, deplorable, nigh(a), left-of-center, criminal, misguided, immoral, false, erroneous, inappropriate, left-handed, center, leftist, larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, wrongheaded, mistaken, condemnable, fallacious, reprehensible, far left, inopportune, wrongly, incorrectly

  21. good, right, ripeadjective

    most suitable or right for a particular purpose

    "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, improper, fallacious, vicious, larboard, criminal, far left, wrongheaded, left-of-center, near(a), left-hand(a), inaccurate, center, parallel, two-handed, left-handed, deplorable, misguided, leftist, port, centrist, condemnable, base, inappropriate, incorrect, nigh(a), inopportune, erroneous, inside, oblique, immoral, reprehensible, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, liberal, middle-of-the-road, false, mistaken, left-wing, leftish, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, veracious, expert, correct, just, proficient, right-hand(a), right(a), proper, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, mature, ripe(p), safe, adept, honorable, well(p), near, advanced

  22. veracious, rightverb

    precisely accurate

    "a veracious account"

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-of-center, two-handed, port, incorrect, base, leftmost, centrist, condemnable, improper, near(a), larboard, reprehensible, leftist, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, inside, left-hand(a), inopportune, inappropriate, left-handed, parallel, nigh(a), leftish, immoral, middle-of-the-road, erroneous, far left, liberal, criminal, left-wing, vicious, inaccurate, false, mistaken, center, deplorable, oblique, misguided, wrongheaded, fallacious, wrongly, incorrectly

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

  23. right, compensate, redress, correctverb

    make reparations or amends for

    "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, liberal, mistaken, inappropriate, left-wing, base, port, inaccurate, reprehensible, left-of-center, centrist, two-handed, immoral, far left, leftmost, fallacious, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, false, inside, deplorable, parallel, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, nigh(a), larboard, center, leftish, left-handed, left-hand(a), leftist, criminal, improper, erroneous, misguided, ambidextrous, incorrect, near(a), vicious, inopportune, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

    remunerate, chasten, pay, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, overcompensate, discipline, recompense, correct, even up, rectify, indemnify, sort out, set, cover, compensate, pay off, even off, chastise, repair, make up, decline, castigate, slump, objurgate

  24. rightverb

    put in or restore to an upright position

    "They righted the sailboat that had capsized"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, mistaken, inaccurate, port, leftish, parallel, far left, reprehensible, near(a), leftmost, left-of-center, larboard, leftist, nigh(a), inopportune, deplorable, left-hand(a), centrist, false, center, liberal, oblique, ambidextrous, criminal, inside, middle-of-the-road, base, erroneous, unsatisfactory, two-handed, wrongheaded, vicious, immoral, fallacious, left-wing, incorrect, left-handed, inappropriate, misguided, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

  25. rightverb

    regain an upright or proper position

    "The capsized boat righted again"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-handed, center, left-of-center, base, two-handed, inopportune, false, ambidextrous, criminal, leftish, larboard, parallel, left-hand(a), inaccurate, inappropriate, leftmost, centrist, improper, oblique, condemnable, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, vicious, immoral, port, near(a), middle-of-the-road, mistaken, inside, erroneous, incorrect, leftist, left-wing, far left, fallacious, reprehensible, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, incorrectly, wrongly

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

  26. correct, rectify, rightadverb

    make right or correct

    "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, unsatisfactory, leftmost, left-wing, inappropriate, improper, oblique, mistaken, far left, center, reprehensible, inopportune, condemnable, larboard, centrist, false, port, inaccurate, ambidextrous, left-hand(a), incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, criminal, leftish, fallacious, near(a), nigh(a), left-of-center, erroneous, left-handed, leftist, two-handed, vicious, base, deplorable, liberal, immoral, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

    refine, reclaim, regenerate, chasten, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, objurgate, discipline, castigate, correct, decline, reform, even up, amend, rectify, chastise, compensate, sort out, even off, remedy, repair, make up, remediate, slump, set

  27. rightadverb

    precisely, exactly

    "stand right here!"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, base, inside, port, deplorable, liberal, incorrect, leftish, two-handed, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, fallacious, left-wing, leftmost, reprehensible, left-of-center, far left, improper, centrist, center, mistaken, inopportune, nigh(a), false, near(a), misguided, leftist, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, wrongheaded, criminal, oblique, erroneous, unsatisfactory, left-hand(a), left-handed, larboard, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  28. rightadverb


    "she called right after dinner"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, base, leftist, immoral, inaccurate, misguided, inside, inopportune, left-hand(a), condemnable, mistaken, wrongheaded, port, vicious, left-of-center, centrist, middle-of-the-road, unsatisfactory, oblique, criminal, left-handed, incorrect, nigh(a), reprehensible, leftmost, larboard, ambidextrous, left-wing, inappropriate, parallel, near(a), fallacious, erroneous, false, liberal, two-handed, center, far left, deplorable, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  29. right, flopadverb


    "he fell flop on his face"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, larboard, inaccurate, ambidextrous, fallacious, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, port, liberal, parallel, left-handed, mistaken, misguided, deplorable, left-of-center, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), far left, improper, immoral, leftish, oblique, wrongheaded, criminal, inopportune, near(a), base, left-hand(a), two-handed, centrist, inappropriate, vicious, center, leftist, reprehensible, erroneous, inside, false, incorrect, left-wing, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  30. rightadverb

    toward or on the right; also used figuratively

    "he looked right and left"; "the party has moved right"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, reprehensible, far left, improper, port, false, larboard, near(a), centrist, left-wing, base, immoral, fallacious, parallel, nigh(a), condemnable, mistaken, leftmost, left-of-center, criminal, liberal, incorrect, oblique, erroneous, middle-of-the-road, inside, leftish, inaccurate, left-hand(a), misguided, leftist, unsatisfactory, vicious, center, left-handed, inopportune, two-handed, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, inappropriate, deplorable, wrongly, incorrectly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  31. properly, decently, decent, in good order, right, the right wayadverb

    in the right manner

    "please do your job properly!"; "can't you carry me decent?"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, inappropriate, liberal, condemnable, parallel, center, erroneous, reprehensible, improper, criminal, base, left-handed, wrongheaded, oblique, centrist, near(a), inopportune, mistaken, incorrect, deplorable, unsatisfactory, vicious, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, port, far left, immoral, left-of-center, two-handed, inaccurate, misguided, ambidextrous, false, leftist, leftmost, left-wing, larboard, nigh(a), left-hand(a), inside, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

    in good order, the right way, by rights, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, correctly, mighty, aright, decent

  32. right, right onadverb

    an interjection expressing agreement

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, mistaken, inopportune, unsatisfactory, fallacious, immoral, middle-of-the-road, left-of-center, nigh(a), oblique, left-handed, misguided, far left, incorrect, two-handed, leftmost, leftist, near(a), false, condemnable, improper, inappropriate, larboard, ambidextrous, center, inaccurate, inside, erroneous, reprehensible, leftish, left-hand(a), left-wing, deplorable, centrist, parallel, criminal, liberal, port, base, vicious, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  33. rightadverb


    "she felt right at home"; "he fell right into the trap"

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, leftist, left-handed, near(a), larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, reprehensible, improper, condemnable, center, base, erroneous, leftish, inappropriate, parallel, liberal, inaccurate, fallacious, left-hand(a), left-of-center, misguided, leftmost, mistaken, inside, deplorable, two-handed, immoral, far left, vicious, nigh(a), false, inopportune, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, left-wing, incorrect, criminal, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

  34. mighty, mightily, powerful, rightadverb

    (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree

    "the baby is mighty cute"; "he's mighty tired"; "it is powerful humid"; "that boy is powerful big now"; "they have a right nice place"; "they rejoiced mightily"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, left-wing, immoral, deplorable, near(a), leftist, false, left-of-center, mistaken, improper, oblique, inaccurate, criminal, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, parallel, fallacious, unsatisfactory, incorrect, liberal, centrist, nigh(a), inappropriate, far left, leftish, vicious, condemnable, port, left-handed, two-handed, ambidextrous, erroneous, leftmost, inside, larboard, base, misguided, left-hand(a), wrongheaded, reprehensible, incorrectly, wrongly

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, mighty, mightily, powerful, right on, aright, decent

  35. justly, rightadverb

    in accordance with moral or social standards

    "that serves him right"; "do right by him"

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, deplorable, incorrect, criminal, near(a), two-handed, left-handed, mistaken, oblique, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, port, false, fallacious, center, inaccurate, immoral, condemnable, left-wing, misguided, vicious, wrongheaded, parallel, nigh(a), base, inside, left-of-center, erroneous, leftmost, left-hand(a), liberal, far left, inopportune, centrist, ambidextrous, leftist, reprehensible, larboard, leftish, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

    flop, rightly, correctly, in good order, decently, mighty, justly, powerful, properly, right on, mightily, justifiedly, the right way, aright, decent

  36. correctly, right, arightadverb

    in an accurate manner

    "the flower had been correctly depicted by his son"; "he guessed right"

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, immoral, inopportune, condemnable, mistaken, fallacious, leftist, oblique, reprehensible, improper, near(a), parallel, inappropriate, incorrect, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, centrist, vicious, center, far left, wrongheaded, left-hand(a), inaccurate, liberal, base, inside, middle-of-the-road, nigh(a), left-handed, left-wing, leftmost, erroneous, leftish, misguided, false, ambidextrous, left-of-center, criminal, port, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

    in good order, the right way, correctly, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

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  1. justify

    Submitted by anonymous on December 18, 2019  

How to use right in a sentence?

  1. Kourtney Kardashian:

    Even going into a store to buy just about anything … you shouldn’t have to walk around aimlessly asking ‘Is this OK?’ ‘Is this not OK?’ Everybody should have the right to healthy products. I do feel like it’s time for Congress to do its job.

  2. George Goehl:

    Government is not the problem but rather the prize, and right now it sits in a trophy case on Wall Street.

  3. Jeff Miller:

    While that number does not represent success in our minds, it certainly is a trend in the right direction.

  4. Thomas Spijkerboer:

    Policymakers in Germany, the Netherlands and Britain said this kind of large-scale mission encourages people to cross and leads to more lives lost. But after the big shipwreck in April they changed their minds, they are now spending more money on something which a few months ago they said would cost lives. It's irresponsible to make these major policy decisions without asking whether the factual assumptions are right.

  5. Trump Jr.:

    Magically, the flu is also totally gone, right ? they're just attributing everything to COVID because that's their logic, it's fear.

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    "right." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 5 May 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/antonyms/right>.

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    What is the synonym for Somniferous?
    A Slumberous
    B Somnocinematography
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