What are some opposite words for LOOSE?

Antonyms for LOOSE

This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term LOOSE.

English Synonyms and Antonyms3.0 / 1 vote

  1. loose

    adhesive, cohesive, glutinous, gummy, sticking, sticky, viscid, viscous

    free, inadhesive, separable

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. looseverb

    tie, fasten, hold, retain

    untie, unfasten, let

  2. looseadjective

    bound, tied, fastened, tight, moored, lashed, secured, thick, close, dense, compact, pointed, accurate, exact, consecutive, strict, logical, scientific, conscientious

    unbound, detached, flowing, scattered, sparse, incompact, vague, inexact, rambling, dissolute, licentious

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Princeton's WordNet0.0 / 0 votes

  1. looseadjective

    not compact or dense in structure or arrangement

    "loose gravel"

    clinched, consolidated, tightfitting, controlled, cloggy, tightly fitting, tense, impacted, compact, skintight, tight-fitting, skinny, clayey, tight fitting, official, serried, unfree, skin-tight, packed, constipated, packaged, fine, close-packed, clenched, close-fitting, close, heavy, choky, snug, exact, wedged, viselike, tight, chaste, responsible

    on the loose(p), promiscuous, idle, wanton, slack, open, informal, sluttish, lax, light, free, escaped, liberal, easy, at large(p), unaffixed

  2. looseadjective

    (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player

    "a loose ball"

    packed, unfree, tightfitting, choky, tight fitting, official, fine, skin-tight, compact, impacted, tense, snug, clinched, wedged, consolidated, tight, responsible, cloggy, chaste, tight-fitting, close, skintight, skinny, clenched, heavy, close-fitting, close-packed, exact, serried, clayey, constipated, tightly fitting, viselike, packaged, controlled

    on the loose(p), promiscuous, idle, wanton, slack, open, informal, sluttish, lax, light, free, escaped, liberal, easy, at large(p), unaffixed

  3. looseadjective

    not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting

    "loose clothing"; "the large shoes were very loose"

    packed, tense, unfree, fine, close, tight, serried, controlled, snug, consolidated, tight-fitting, exact, wedged, chaste, clinched, heavy, tightfitting, impacted, clayey, skintight, constipated, packaged, tightly fitting, responsible, compact, official, skinny, cloggy, clenched, viselike, tight fitting, skin-tight, close-fitting, close-packed, choky

    on the loose(p), promiscuous, idle, wanton, slack, open, informal, sluttish, lax, light, free, escaped, liberal, easy, at large(p), unaffixed

  4. informal, looseadjective

    not officially recognized or controlled

    "an informal agreement"; "a loose organization of the local farmers"

    tight, fine, packed, serried, official, close-fitting, close, packaged, skintight, chaste, unfree, close-packed, impacted, clenched, heavy, tight fitting, clayey, tight-fitting, cloggy, choky, tightly fitting, responsible, exact, tense, tightfitting, wedged, constipated, consolidated, compact, skinny, skin-tight, controlled, clinched, viselike, snug

    idle, loose, sluttish, informal, easy, wanton, cozy, escaped, liberal, free, open, lax, intimate, unaffixed, on the loose(p), light, slack, promiscuous, at large(p)

  5. free, loose, liberaladjective

    not literal

    "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"

    cloggy, serried, controlled, close-packed, snug, consolidated, clenched, tightfitting, unfree, skintight, tight, tight-fitting, clayey, skinny, heavy, packed, skin-tight, tense, tightly fitting, compact, exact, chaste, choky, wedged, close, responsible, clinched, impacted, tight fitting, constipated, close-fitting, viselike, fine, packaged, official

    spare, bountiful, sluttish, wanton, devoid, liberal, big, at large(p), idle, costless, large-minded, bounteous, easy, promiscuous, tolerant, detached, informal, complimentary, unaffixed, handsome, open, gratis(p), bighearted, slack, innocent, on the loose(p), destitute, freehanded, gratuitous, barren, broad, free, openhanded, giving, light, escaped, lax, loose

  6. lax, looseadjective

    emptying easily or excessively

    "loose bowels"

    tight, unfree, impacted, serried, compact, skinny, close-fitting, clinched, chaste, tight-fitting, viselike, packaged, clayey, tense, controlled, exact, cloggy, close, fine, skintight, constipated, wedged, responsible, packed, choky, snug, tight fitting, tightly fitting, close-packed, heavy, official, tightfitting, skin-tight, clenched, consolidated

    idle, promiscuous, informal, easy, wanton, sluttish, escaped, liberal, free, open, lax, loose, unaffixed, on the loose(p), light, slack, at large(p)

  7. unaffixed, looseadjective

    not affixed

    "the stamp came loose"

    cloggy, close-packed, chaste, fine, exact, tightfitting, skinny, skintight, tight-fitting, clinched, controlled, consolidated, clenched, packed, constipated, viselike, unfree, heavy, compact, official, tight, snug, choky, skin-tight, clayey, packaged, close, serried, tightly fitting, responsible, tight fitting, wedged, impacted, tense, close-fitting

    idle, promiscuous, informal, easy, wanton, sluttish, escaped, liberal, free, open, lax, loose, unaffixed, on the loose(p), light, slack, at large(p)

  8. loose, slackadjective

    not tense or taut

    "the old man's skin hung loose and grey"; "slack and wrinkled skin"; "slack sails"; "a slack rope"

    fine, tight, clayey, packaged, official, skintight, tight fitting, clinched, clenched, responsible, constipated, skinny, tightly fitting, skin-tight, viselike, chaste, close-fitting, unfree, consolidated, impacted, exact, snug, compact, close, choky, controlled, packed, tightfitting, serried, tight-fitting, close-packed, cloggy, heavy, tense, wedged

    idle, promiscuous, informal, easy, wanton, sluttish, escaped, liberal, free, open, lax, loose, unaffixed, on the loose(p), light, slack, at large(p)

  9. loose, openadjective

    (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

    "an open texture"; "a loose weave"

    compact, heavy, cloggy, clenched, skintight, chaste, serried, snug, tight, wedged, consolidated, tight fitting, packed, unfree, controlled, packaged, clinched, close, constipated, impacted, responsible, tense, clayey, skinny, close-fitting, close-packed, exact, tightfitting, official, tightly fitting, viselike, tight-fitting, skin-tight, choky, fine

    undefended, undetermined, sluttish, wanton, receptive, unresolved, assailable, at large(p), free, heart-to-heart, undecided, subject, promiscuous, undefendable, liberal, opened, exposed, unaffixed, open, clear, slack, idle, unfastened, on the loose(p), easy, overt, candid, open(a), capable, informal, light, escaped, lax, loose

  10. idle, looseadjective

    lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility

    "idle talk"; "a loose tongue"

    viselike, exact, packaged, close-fitting, compact, controlled, consolidated, tightfitting, clayey, packed, close-packed, tightly fitting, official, skinny, impacted, responsible, chaste, unfree, fine, heavy, serried, tight-fitting, close, snug, tense, clenched, skintight, skin-tight, clinched, cloggy, choky, tight fitting, tight, constipated, wedged

    wanton, idle, escaped, wild, sluttish, informal, dead, on the loose(p), out of work, easy, unused, liberal, free, jobless, open, lax, loose, unaffixed, groundless, promiscuous, light, slack, unfounded, baseless, at large(p), unwarranted

  11. looseadjective

    not carefully arranged in a package

    "a box of loose nails"

    serried, official, constipated, skintight, snug, controlled, skin-tight, tense, tight, exact, close-packed, viselike, wedged, close-fitting, clenched, tight fitting, tight-fitting, skinny, tightfitting, fine, clinched, heavy, packaged, clayey, close, responsible, packed, choky, tightly fitting, chaste, cloggy, unfree, compact, consolidated, impacted

    on the loose(p), promiscuous, idle, wanton, slack, open, informal, sluttish, lax, light, free, escaped, liberal, easy, at large(p), unaffixed

  12. at large(p), escaped, loose, on the loose(p)adjective

    having escaped, especially from confinement

    "a convict still at large"; "searching for two escaped prisoners"; "dogs loose on the streets"; "criminals on the loose in the neighborhood"

    heavy, clinched, close-packed, close, tight, consolidated, tight fitting, impacted, serried, skin-tight, exact, packed, close-fitting, tightly fitting, chaste, fine, tightfitting, skinny, responsible, clenched, clayey, official, controlled, viselike, choky, tense, compact, snug, tight-fitting, cloggy, constipated, packaged, unfree, skintight, wedged

  13. easy, light, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wantonverb

    casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior

    "her easy virtue"; "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"; "wanton behavior"

    impacted, clayey, cloggy, serried, close-packed, skin-tight, compact, tightly fitting, constipated, choky, responsible, chaste, exact, skinny, wedged, skintight, tight-fitting, packed, snug, controlled, tight fitting, heavy, close-fitting, tight, clenched, close, fine, consolidated, viselike, packaged, tightfitting, tense, official, clinched, unfree

    motiveless, light-headed, sluttish, wanton, wakeful, faint, prosperous, at large(p), well-situated, soft, gentle, idle, blowsy, lightsome, blowzy, light-colored, unaccented, slatternly, weak, low-cal, lite, easy, promiscuous, well-off, liberal, abstemious, informal, unclouded, leisurely, unaffixed, open, light(a), well-to-do, clear, well-fixed, easygoing, on the loose(p), comfortable, lightheaded, clean, tripping, short, scant(p), unprovoked, free, well-heeled, slack, light, swooning, calorie-free, escaped, lax, loose

  14. free, liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, looseverb

    grant freedom to; free from confinement

    fine, tight fitting, clayey, tightfitting, tightly fitting, tight-fitting, skintight, responsible, compact, close-fitting, close, clenched, viselike, choky, wedged, serried, close-packed, consolidated, controlled, exact, chaste, heavy, skinny, unfree, cloggy, clinched, impacted, official, packed, constipated, packaged, skin-tight, tight, tense, snug

    turn, unfreeze, unloose, expel, exhaust, let loose, release, resign, emancipate, unblock, liberate, loosen, publish, disembarrass, unloosen, put out, let go of, exempt, give up, relinquish, justify, absolve, unleash, relieve, secrete, rid, let go, dislodge, bring out, discharge, issue, free, relax, disengage, eject, set free, loose

  15. unleash, let loose, looseverb

    turn loose or free from restraint

    "let loose mines"; "Loose terrible plagues upon humanity"

    fine, clenched, consolidated, close-fitting, controlled, close, wedged, exact, heavy, tight, skin-tight, tightfitting, chaste, serried, responsible, clayey, tightly fitting, tense, clinched, official, constipated, viselike, cloggy, packed, snug, compact, skinny, unfree, impacted, choky, tight fitting, packaged, tight-fitting, skintight, close-packed

    loosen, relax, loose, release, let loose, emit, free, unleash, let out, unloose, unloosen, utter, liberate

  16. loosen, looseverb

    make loose or looser

    "loosen the tension on a rope"

    compact, tense, clayey, close, skin-tight, controlled, responsible, clenched, packed, close-fitting, serried, viselike, tight, official, exact, tightfitting, wedged, close-packed, skintight, heavy, cloggy, clinched, skinny, tightly fitting, packaged, constipated, chaste, impacted, tight-fitting, fine, unfree, snug, consolidated, choky, tight fitting

    loosen, tease, release, unleash, loose, free, liberate, untie, unloose, tease apart, let loose, unloosen, relax, undo

  17. loosen, relax, looseadverb

    become loose or looser or less tight

    "The noose loosened"; "the rope relaxed"

    clayey, constipated, wedged, chaste, fine, official, packaged, snug, tightfitting, viselike, skinny, close-fitting, tense, skintight, responsible, impacted, tight, exact, clenched, tightly fitting, close-packed, tight-fitting, consolidated, close, serried, tight fitting, compact, controlled, heavy, choky, packed, skin-tight, clinched, cloggy, unfree

    let loose, untie, liberate, decompress, slow down, unbend, unloosen, tease, loosen, undo, loosen up, unlax, tease apart, release, free, loose, slack up, unleash, unloose, relax, slack, unwind, make relaxed, unstrain, slacken

  18. loose, freeadverb

    without restraint

    "cows in India are running loose"

    tight, choky, tightly fitting, close-fitting, unfree, fine, exact, serried, clinched, wedged, compact, clayey, viselike, close, snug, tight-fitting, close-packed, tightfitting, impacted, official, packed, responsible, chaste, constipated, skin-tight, skintight, tense, skinny, consolidated, packaged, controlled, heavy, tight fitting, clenched, cloggy

    loose, free

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words0.0 / 0 votes

  1. looseadjective

    unbound, disengaged, movable, unfastened, unrestrained, detached, relaxed, incompact, porous

  2. looseverb

    release, disengage, free, disentangle, liberate, absolve, remit, relax, loosen, slacken

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. straight-laced

    undisciplined, unpredictable, noncomformist

    Submitted by anonymous on February 24, 2020  
  2. tether

    freed not chained

    i ripped the tether out of the wall

    Submitted by anonymous on January 26, 2020  

How to use LOOSE in a sentence?

  1. Aidan White:

    Around the world media coverage is often politically led with journalists following an agenda dominated by loose language and talk of invasion and swarms, but at other moments the story is laced with humanity, empathy and a focus on the suffering of those involved.

  2. Joe Casaliggi:

    Lug nuts do not shake themselves loose and fall off all at the same time without warning, it appeared that someone removed four of the five lug nuts and the last one held on for a while and finally broke off.

  3. S Hayakawa:

    I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to loose.

  4. Lee Green:

    If it was let loose on the market there'd be far too many injuries from it, it's very fragile and it's very easy to break pieces off.

  5. Chris Suprun:

    As a person who has always played fast and loose with the law, Trump will likely be impeached within the first year of his Presidency by responsible Republicans in Congress. For the rest of us Americans, his presence in the Oval Office represents a crisis for the Constitution, the economy and the country.

How to pronounce LOOSE?

How to say LOOSE in sign language?

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