What are some opposite words for open?

Antonyms for open
ˈoʊ pənopen

This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term open.

English Synonyms and Antonyms0.0 / 0 votes

  1. open

    Bluff is a word of good meaning, as are frank and open. The bluff man talks and laughs loudly and freely, says and does whatever he pleases with fearless good nature, and with no thought of annoying or giving pain to others. The blunt man says things which he is perfectly aware are disagreeable, either from a defiant indifference to others' feelings, or from the pleasure of tormenting.

    bland, courteous, genial, polished, polite, refined, reserved, urbane

    abrupt, bluff, blunt, blustering, bold, brusk, coarse, discourteous, frank, impolite, inconsiderate, plain-spoken, rough, rude, uncivil, unmannerly

Princeton's WordNet4.0 / 1 vote

  1. open, clearnoun

    a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water

    "finally broke out of the forest into the open"

    drawn, unopen, disingenuous, blocked, settled, fine, insusceptible, shut, enclosed, obstructed, closed, stoppered, squinting, squinched, nonopening, inactive, compressed, constricted, unsusceptible, out of use(p), private, unavailable, invulnerable, blinking, union, protected, winking, sealed, artful, tight, restricted, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

    open air, out-of-doors, clear, surface, outdoors

  2. outdoors, out-of-doors, open air, opennoun

    where the air is unconfined

    "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"

    shut, squinched, unopen, insusceptible, protected, invulnerable, fine, closed, settled, sealed, artful, drawn, enclosed, union, disingenuous, private, tight, winking, blocked, blinking, inactive, out of use(p), obstructed, nonopening, unsusceptible, constricted, squinting, compressed, unavailable, stoppered, restricted, close, close up, fold, shut down, close down

    open air, surface, out-of-doors, clear, outdoors

  3. opennoun

    a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

    unopen, settled, blocked, artful, restricted, enclosed, shut, invulnerable, tight, blinking, unavailable, closed, union, unsusceptible, private, protected, sealed, constricted, stoppered, fine, drawn, insusceptible, nonopening, squinting, disingenuous, compressed, inactive, obstructed, squinched, winking, out of use(p), close, close up, fold, close down, shut down

    open air, out-of-doors, clear, surface, outdoors

  4. open, surfaceadjective

    information that has become public

    "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface"

    protected, stoppered, closed, disingenuous, drawn, insusceptible, sealed, unsusceptible, union, blinking, settled, invulnerable, nonopening, fine, compressed, enclosed, obstructed, shut, inactive, tight, unavailable, winking, blocked, squinched, out of use(p), private, unopen, squinting, restricted, constricted, artful, close, close up, fold, shut down, close down

    aerofoil, out-of-doors, surface, outdoors, control surface, airfoil, clear, open air

  5. open, unfastenedadjective

    affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed

    "an open door"; "they left the door open"

    enclosed, inactive, shut, unsusceptible, closed, obstructed, protected, compressed, blocked, stoppered, insusceptible, drawn, tight, fine, nonopening, settled, squinched, unavailable, squinting, unopen, blinking, disingenuous, out of use(p), invulnerable, private, union, sealed, restricted, constricted, artful, winking, close, fold, close down, shut down, close up

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, untied, unfastened, capable, assailable, unbuttoned, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  6. openadjective

    affording free passage or access

    "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks"

    closed, obstructed, nonopening, sealed, insusceptible, artful, unsusceptible, protected, settled, constricted, blocked, squinched, unavailable, invulnerable, tight, inactive, drawn, shut, enclosed, out of use(p), restricted, union, winking, fine, stoppered, compressed, disingenuous, private, squinting, blinking, unopen, close, fold, close up, close down, shut down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  7. exposed, openadjective

    with no protection or shield

    "the exposed northeast frontier"; "open to the weather"; "an open wound"

    disingenuous, stoppered, closed, union, constricted, tight, settled, unavailable, compressed, blocked, private, unsusceptible, winking, shut, obstructed, protected, insusceptible, artful, nonopening, unopen, inactive, fine, blinking, drawn, sealed, out of use(p), enclosed, squinting, squinched, invulnerable, restricted, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, uncovered, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  8. openadjective

    open to or in view of all

    "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor"

    unopen, blinking, stoppered, union, protected, shut, disingenuous, settled, closed, unsusceptible, constricted, invulnerable, nonopening, drawn, insusceptible, sealed, fine, artful, squinting, enclosed, tight, out of use(p), winking, obstructed, compressed, blocked, restricted, unavailable, inactive, private, squinched, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  9. open, openedadjective

    used of mouth or eyes

    "keep your eyes open"; "his mouth slightly opened"

    inactive, private, stoppered, shut, squinched, unopen, winking, sealed, closed, fine, blinking, obstructed, insusceptible, drawn, artful, settled, tight, blocked, protected, constricted, invulnerable, enclosed, unavailable, out of use(p), disingenuous, unsusceptible, restricted, compressed, squinting, union, nonopening, close up, close, fold, close down, shut down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  10. openadjective

    not having been filled

    "the job is still open"

    squinched, artful, disingenuous, protected, nonopening, inactive, fine, shut, enclosed, drawn, constricted, closed, unavailable, stoppered, union, insusceptible, settled, blocked, private, unopen, out of use(p), winking, sealed, compressed, obstructed, squinting, blinking, invulnerable, restricted, unsusceptible, tight, close down, close up, close, shut down, fold

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  11. openadjective

    accessible to all

    "open season"; "an open economy"

    invulnerable, blocked, compressed, drawn, closed, settled, squinting, sealed, shut, stoppered, inactive, protected, winking, tight, unopen, union, private, blinking, nonopening, out of use(p), enclosed, unsusceptible, obstructed, disingenuous, fine, unavailable, constricted, insusceptible, squinched, restricted, artful, close, close up, close down, fold, shut down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  12. assailable, undefendable, undefended, openadjective

    not defended or capable of being defended

    "an open city"; "open to attack"

    closed, inactive, insusceptible, unsusceptible, stoppered, sealed, restricted, artful, compressed, drawn, blocked, winking, constricted, obstructed, squinting, disingenuous, enclosed, unavailable, tight, union, shut, invulnerable, out of use(p), fine, private, settled, blinking, squinched, nonopening, unopen, protected, close up, shut down, close, close down, fold

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  13. loose, openadjective

    (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

    "an open texture"; "a loose weave"

    squinting, unavailable, tight, closed, squinched, protected, restricted, sealed, obstructed, drawn, shut, insusceptible, disingenuous, blocked, fine, unsusceptible, compressed, union, artful, constricted, enclosed, out of use(p), inactive, unopen, settled, invulnerable, nonopening, stoppered, blinking, winking, private, close, shut down, fold, close up, close down

    undefended, undetermined, sluttish, wanton, receptive, unresolved, assailable, at large(p), free, heart-to-heart, undecided, subject, promiscuous, undefendable, liberal, opened, exposed, unaffixed, clear, slack, idle, unfastened, on the loose(p), easy, overt, candid, open(a), capable, informal, light, escaped, lax, loose

  14. openadjective

    having no protecting cover or enclosure

    "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars"

    drawn, squinched, compressed, out of use(p), private, restricted, disingenuous, closed, shut, constricted, protected, squinting, union, insusceptible, artful, obstructed, winking, settled, stoppered, sealed, inactive, tight, nonopening, fine, blinking, blocked, invulnerable, enclosed, unavailable, unopen, unsusceptible, fold, close, close up, close down, shut down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  15. openadjective

    (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

    shut, insusceptible, winking, union, blocked, closed, squinting, squinched, blinking, private, artful, unopen, restricted, disingenuous, invulnerable, constricted, compressed, protected, out of use(p), fine, unavailable, unsusceptible, stoppered, enclosed, tight, inactive, sealed, drawn, obstructed, settled, nonopening, close, fold, close up, shut down, close down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  16. open, undecided, undetermined, unresolvedadjective

    not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought

    "an open question"; "our position on this bill is still undecided"; "our lawsuit is still undetermined"

    disingenuous, settled, blinking, nonopening, compressed, closed, private, squinched, unopen, constricted, squinting, fine, unsusceptible, artful, obstructed, blocked, union, protected, winking, tight, stoppered, restricted, sealed, enclosed, drawn, out of use(p), inactive, shut, invulnerable, insusceptible, unavailable, fold, close, close up, shut down, close down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, dissonant, clear, candid, undecided, on the fence(p), loose, indeterminate, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, unsolved, opened

  17. open, openedadjective

    not sealed or having been unsealed

    "the letter was already open"; "the opened package lay on the table"

    insusceptible, closed, inactive, drawn, winking, invulnerable, sealed, enclosed, restricted, settled, constricted, unopen, tight, artful, unsusceptible, private, nonopening, disingenuous, stoppered, compressed, fine, squinched, squinting, shut, out of use(p), protected, blinking, union, blocked, unavailable, obstructed, close, close up, shut down, fold, close down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  18. openadjective

    without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition

    "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response"

    out of use(p), tight, shut, blocked, obstructed, unavailable, inactive, closed, settled, sealed, blinking, artful, unsusceptible, protected, insusceptible, restricted, winking, fine, stoppered, drawn, enclosed, constricted, unopen, squinting, disingenuous, union, nonopening, compressed, squinched, invulnerable, private, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  19. receptive, openadjective

    ready or willing to receive favorably

    "receptive to the proposals"

    shut, unavailable, stoppered, closed, private, insusceptible, union, settled, unopen, squinched, unsusceptible, blocked, inactive, out of use(p), tight, invulnerable, restricted, constricted, compressed, blinking, fine, disingenuous, enclosed, drawn, sealed, winking, nonopening, obstructed, protected, squinting, artful, shut down, close, close down, close up, fold

    overt, sensory(a), exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, centripetal, undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, open(a), opened

  20. overt, openadjective

    open and observable; not secret or hidden

    "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots"

    blinking, insusceptible, settled, winking, drawn, constricted, closed, unopen, disingenuous, compressed, tight, enclosed, shut, out of use(p), stoppered, artful, squinched, fine, private, invulnerable, unavailable, sealed, union, protected, restricted, obstructed, nonopening, inactive, unsusceptible, blocked, squinting, close, shut down, close up, close down, fold

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  21. open(a)adjective

    not requiring union membership

    "an open shop employs nonunion workers"

    closed, invulnerable, unsusceptible, shut, compressed, blocked, private, union, squinched, unopen, settled, inactive, nonopening, drawn, fine, stoppered, squinting, obstructed, insusceptible, disingenuous, restricted, blinking, unavailable, artful, winking, sealed, constricted, enclosed, out of use(p), protected, tight, close up, close, shut down, fold, close down

  22. capable, open, subjectadjective

    possibly accepting or permitting

    "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"

    squinting, closed, blinking, enclosed, invulnerable, artful, insusceptible, restricted, squinched, compressed, disingenuous, fine, obstructed, blocked, unopen, unsusceptible, shut, out of use(p), sealed, inactive, unavailable, settled, private, constricted, winking, nonopening, union, protected, stoppered, drawn, tight, fold, close down, shut down, close, close up

    overt, unfastened, receptive, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, exposed, dependent, clear, candid, undecided, up to(p), loose, capable, assailable, unresolved, equal to(p), undetermined, able, adequate to(p), opened

  23. clear, openadjective

    affording free passage or view

    "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside"

    nonopening, squinting, restricted, out of use(p), settled, inactive, constricted, shut, blocked, unsusceptible, artful, closed, blinking, union, tight, unavailable, obstructed, protected, disingenuous, winking, stoppered, drawn, insusceptible, unopen, enclosed, private, compressed, fine, squinched, sealed, invulnerable, shut down, close down, close, fold, close up

    undefended, undetermined, well-defined, receptive, unresolved, assailable, undefendable, exculpated, vindicated, exposed, clean-cut, heart-to-heart, exonerated, clear(p), subject, open(a), opened, unclouded, percipient, clean, readable, absolved, clear, undecided, unfastened, overt, candid, clear-cut, unmortgaged, capable, decipherable, cleared, light, loose

  24. candid, open, heart-to-heartadjective

    openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness

    "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk"

    invulnerable, stoppered, closed, disingenuous, tight, artful, union, unsusceptible, compressed, blinking, constricted, sealed, drawn, shut, settled, squinting, obstructed, fine, unopen, protected, inactive, enclosed, insusceptible, winking, nonopening, unavailable, blocked, private, out of use(p), squinched, restricted, close down, close, shut down, close up, fold

    overt, exposed, assailable, straight-from-the-shoulder, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), frank, undetermined, plainspoken, unresolved, clear, candid, undecided, free-spoken, loose, outspoken, capable, point-blank, blunt, unfastened, receptive, undefended, subject, opened, forthright

  25. openverb

    ready for business

    "the stores are open"

    unavailable, sealed, disingenuous, blinking, protected, stoppered, closed, blocked, squinting, unopen, tight, squinched, out of use(p), fine, constricted, inactive, restricted, private, union, obstructed, nonopening, shut, unsusceptible, insusceptible, settled, winking, artful, enclosed, compressed, drawn, invulnerable, close, close down, fold, close up, shut down

    overt, exposed, heart-to-heart, undefendable, open(a), undefended, subject, clear, candid, undecided, loose, unfastened, capable, assailable, unresolved, receptive, undetermined, opened

  26. open, open upverb

    cause to open or to become open

    "Mary opened the car door"

    squinched, private, protected, nonopening, stoppered, closed, drawn, insusceptible, blocked, shut, restricted, winking, constricted, compressed, artful, tight, out of use(p), obstructed, sealed, invulnerable, inactive, unsusceptible, unopen, settled, fine, squinting, unavailable, union, disingenuous, enclosed, blinking, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

  27. open, open upverb

    start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning

    "open a business"

    tight, blinking, shut, inactive, compressed, union, private, restricted, disingenuous, fine, obstructed, settled, winking, unsusceptible, closed, sealed, protected, blocked, squinched, drawn, artful, unopen, squinting, insusceptible, stoppered, nonopening, unavailable, enclosed, out of use(p), invulnerable, constricted, close, fold, close down, close up, shut down

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

  28. open, open upverb

    become open

    "The door opened"

    fine, protected, constricted, blocked, inactive, artful, invulnerable, tight, union, shut, closed, settled, private, insusceptible, restricted, out of use(p), obstructed, stoppered, sealed, compressed, squinched, blinking, squinting, enclosed, nonopening, drawn, unopen, unavailable, winking, unsusceptible, disingenuous, close, close up, fold, close down, shut down

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

  29. openverb

    begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.

    "He opened the meeting with a long speech"

    unopen, closed, squinched, settled, disingenuous, shut, restricted, drawn, private, union, fine, inactive, enclosed, winking, sealed, unavailable, unsusceptible, obstructed, nonopening, stoppered, blinking, out of use(p), blocked, compressed, squinting, protected, constricted, insusceptible, invulnerable, artful, tight, close, close down, close up, shut down, fold

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

  30. unfold, spread, spread out, openverb

    spread out or open from a closed or folded state

    "open the map"; "spread your arms"

    invulnerable, restricted, private, insusceptible, closed, stoppered, sealed, shut, blinking, nonopening, union, enclosed, unsusceptible, inactive, tight, constricted, obstructed, compressed, out of use(p), squinched, blocked, disingenuous, fine, unopen, unavailable, artful, protected, winking, drawn, settled, squinting, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

    fan out, blossom out, unfold, circularise, dissipate, open up, overspread, disseminate, pass around, spread, spread out, broadcast, afford, turn out, stretch, blossom, give, stretch out, extend, scatter, circularize, expand, splay, go around, propagate, blossom forth, rotate, circulate, disperse, distribute, string out, diffuse

  31. open, open upverb

    make available

    "This opens up new possibilities"

    disingenuous, invulnerable, settled, tight, out of use(p), protected, squinting, blinking, artful, squinched, private, inactive, sealed, unsusceptible, closed, winking, fine, shut, constricted, unopen, nonopening, blocked, stoppered, drawn, insusceptible, obstructed, unavailable, compressed, union, restricted, enclosed, close, close up, shut down, close down, fold

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

  32. open, open upverb

    become available

    "an opportunity opened up"

    blocked, compressed, closed, unsusceptible, artful, winking, nonopening, sealed, protected, insusceptible, squinting, fine, tight, enclosed, drawn, blinking, obstructed, shut, settled, disingenuous, union, private, out of use(p), restricted, unavailable, stoppered, constricted, squinched, inactive, invulnerable, unopen, close down, close, shut down, close up, fold

    give, pioneer, open up, afford, spread, spread out, unfold

  33. openverb

    have an opening or passage or outlet

    "The bedrooms open into the hall"

    closed, unavailable, blocked, squinched, settled, compressed, protected, restricted, stoppered, private, sealed, obstructed, enclosed, tight, inactive, winking, shut, fine, blinking, artful, unsusceptible, union, constricted, invulnerable, unopen, insusceptible, drawn, disingenuous, squinting, out of use(p), nonopening, close, shut down, close up, fold, close down

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

  34. openverb

    make the opening move

    "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"

    compressed, invulnerable, enclosed, squinched, obstructed, shut, constricted, artful, fine, unavailable, blocked, restricted, drawn, squinting, out of use(p), nonopening, closed, winking, disingenuous, private, blinking, union, insusceptible, tight, protected, unopen, unsusceptible, stoppered, settled, sealed, inactive, fold, close, shut down, close up, close down

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

  35. afford, open, giveverb

    afford access to

    "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace"

    closed, settled, nonopening, inactive, squinting, obstructed, drawn, invulnerable, sealed, shut, out of use(p), fine, unavailable, disingenuous, protected, private, unopen, unsusceptible, compressed, winking, artful, squinched, insusceptible, restricted, blinking, tight, stoppered, enclosed, union, blocked, constricted, close, shut down, close down, fold, close up

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, spread, impart, spread out, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, unfold, grant, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, pass on, ease up, apply, give, open up, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  36. openverb

    display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

    union, protected, inactive, unsusceptible, blinking, artful, closed, constricted, restricted, winking, settled, private, sealed, insusceptible, shut, nonopening, compressed, squinting, unopen, tight, blocked, squinched, disingenuous, out of use(p), stoppered, unavailable, fine, invulnerable, drawn, obstructed, enclosed, close, close down, fold, shut down, close up

    unfold, open up, spread out, give, afford, spread

Editors Contribution0.0 / 0 votes

  1. crypto

    non-secret origin or ownership

    Submitted by anonymous on January 24, 2021  
  2. wider

    Submitted by anonymous on November 19, 2019  

How to use open in a sentence?

  1. Graham Mullis:

    We design our reagents to run on as many of the open instrument platforms that there are in the market. Some larger manufacturers have their own platform and they will be looking to sell reagents working on them.

  2. Carol Edwards:

    I really do think it’s the tip of the iceberg. This is the door swinging wide open, and now we need to collaborate with those in the science world and figure out where we can take this, there’s been a lot of chatter, even in the very beginning of this project, talking about what other diseases they could do. We’ve talked about TB, we’ve talked about flu A and B, possibly for this next flu season, seeing if we can get the dogs to alert on that.

  3. Joe Biden:

    We're not going back to shutting down schools. Schools should stay open.

  4. Brian Babin:

    Each of these candidates has a history of making dangerous policy decisions, ignoring immigration law, and perpetuating the open borders narrative, these agencies are vital to the safety and security of our country, and we deserve for them to be led by people who will honor that responsibility.

  5. Greg Pellegrino:

    I know I'm very adamant about saying 'no, we're not going to go down that route of having another child,' but I don't think it's a closed chapter. I don't think it's the end. We don't know what the next couple of years are going to look like. The door is slightly still open on my end.

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    "open." Synonyms.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 10 May 2024. <https://www.synonyms.com/antonyms/open>.

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    An antonym of "spellbound"
    A disenchanted
    B fascinated
    C transfixed
    D mesmerized

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